The Happiness Contract: How to be and remain happy in a world where contentment has become more a mirage than a reality. On top of persistence, determination and gratefulness, The Bridge Magazine invites its readers to sign the following contract of happiness with themselves.
20 January 2019
Considering happiness is a ladder, it is believed that every human being is looking to reach the top level of happiness, but complete happiness is asymptotic.

Complete happiness is asymptotic. However, the paradox is that even of those who commit suicide it appears that the climax of their happiness is at that precise time that they hit the lowest rung of the happiness ladder.
The Bridge MAG. Image
Perfect happiness is a defined limit just like an asymptote. The Oxford online dictionary defines an asymptote as a value that you get closer and closer to, but never quite reach. In mathematics, an asymptote is a horizontal, vertical, or slanted line that a graph approaches but never touches.
However, the paradox is that even of those who commit suicide it appears that the climax of their happiness is at that precise time that they hit the lowest rung of the happiness ladder.
Remember Ralph Waldo Emerson’s famous quotes on happiness:
‘For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness […]
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.’
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) was an American poet, essayist and philosopher who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century.
Why is an asymptote metaphor important when referring to happiness?…
Follow the links below to read more:
Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of
The Bridge Books and
The Bridge Magazine Editor.
Un très beau boulot mes félicitations
Cher M. Mikhael,
En 2008 lorsque M. Dominic Ponsford l’éditeur en chef de ‘UK Press Gazette’ me félicitait d’avoir écrit un brillant article sur l’avenir du journalisme digital au Royaume Uni, après la conférence qui réunissait tous les éditeurs d’Angleterre à ce sujet, mon rêve en tant qu’étudiante stagiaire en journalisme se réalisait. Celui d’avoir mes nom et prénom inscrits en fin de page de l’article d’une presse de ce calibre.
Le plus beau aujourd’hui c’est que des milliers de lecteurs dans le monde entier expriment leur gratitude en lisant The Bridge MAG.
Cela réjouit énormément toute l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine, d’avoir pu transférer toutes les techniques du ‘Newsroom’ sur le digital.
Merci du fond du cœur de faire partie de notre lectorat.
So so happy to read this. Thank for the contract.
Dear Mr Moluh,
You are welcome.
As previously explained in French, in 2008, when Mr Dominic Ponsford, (the then and current editor in chief of The UK Press Gazette) congratulated me for writing a compelling article on the 2008 Society of Editor’s Conference , it was a dream come true. Having a byline – a line in a newspaper of that calibre naming my name on the article-, was the most rewarding thing I ever dreamt of during the second year of my Journalism degree.
The piece was about the future of traditional newspapers in The United Kingdom in a digital era.
The most beautiful thing today is that thousands of readers around the world are always prompt to send emails or comments to express their gratefulness about the content of our publication.
The team at The Bridge Magazine is thrilled to have successfully transferred all the ‘writing the news techniques’ from the traditional Newsroom to a digital one.
Many thanks for being part of our readership.
The editor.