Ethics versus Religion on Easter eve: crisis of paedophilia, sexual morality, radicalism and the downfall of religions. The future of faith is bleak.
20 April 2019
As the world gets ready to celebrate Easter, the Catholic religion and many others have been shaken to their core more than ever: gruesome vices have corrupted the highest hierarchy of the clergies.

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For some, clerical celibacy and homosexual clerics are allegedly the cause of pedophilia and sexual crimes against minors in the Churches. For others the aforementioned allegations are nonsense.
The latest scandal features Australian Cardinal George Pell, the former Vatican number three, as Astrid Van Laer from Angence France Press published on March 13th 2019 that ‘Pell was sentenced to six years in prison for the sexual abuse of two choirboys.’
The latest scandal features Australian Cardinal George Pell, the former Vatican number three. ‘Pell was sentenced to six years in prison for the sexual abuse of two choirboys.’
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From the UK to New Zealand, via Mozambique and Cameroon, to France, even geographical distance has not prevented a seeming synchronicity of horrors rocking the world towards the close of Easter, which to some minds does not bode well.

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The recent litany of tragedies involving pedophilia, sexual orgies, guns and knife crimes, black magic, sorcery, sects, cults, human and organs trafficking, wars, and natural disasters such as earthquake and floods disturbingly tally with the omens of the biblical apocalyptic story of Sodom and Gomorrah…
Follow the links below to read more:
Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of
The Bridge Books and
The Bridge Magazine Editor.
Un très bon article
Merci M. Mikhaïl,
L’état déplorable de la moralité, la montée vertigineuse de l’anomie et les attentats au Sri Lanka survenue ce dimanche 21 avril pendant la messe de Pâques – Bilan, plus de cent morts -confirment combien urgent est le message de l’article.
Joyeuses Pâques tout de même à vous et à tout le lectorat de The Bridge Magazine.