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You Only Live Twice. From news broadcasting to the Hollywood film industry, a Bond girl role is just around the corner for Emmy-nominated reporter Stacey Turner …

13 September 2012 5,938 views 2 Comments
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Stacey Turner and Sandra Bullock on set The Bridge MAG image

Could Emmy-nominated reporter turned movie star, Stacey Turner, become the next seductive foil for 007 in the iconic forty-year-old film franchise James Bond?

After landing a role in a film with Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock, an outing opposite Ian Flemming’s debonair Alpha-male of espionage cannot be far out of reach for a talented actress blessed with beauty and intelligence.


On Thursday 6 September 2012, in an exclusive interview with The Bridge Magazine, Stacey admits that acting had always been her true passion in life, and of how her manager, Doug, has made that dream come true:



“He told me they were always looking for real reporters to play the parts and said it might be a good way to get my foot in the door. Sometimes they need a character that can help the audience understand what’s going on and help move the story along. That’s me.


Doug came up with the idea to pitch Stacey for the part on the basis of her broadcasting skills, although she already has four feature film and several television appearances on her CV, all of which involve her ‘acting out’ her real life profession at the TV reporter’s microphone.


During her career as a reporter, Stacey Turner interviewed presidential candidates, music superstars and other notable interviewees. Even after being nominated for an Emmy Award for her achievements as a broadcaster, she still felt something in her was unfulfilled.


The Emmy Award, often referred to simply as ‘the Emmy’, is a television production award, similar in nature to the Peabody Awards, but more focused on entertainment, and is considered the television equivalent to the Academy Awards (or ‘Oscars’) – for film – Grammy Awards – for music – and Tony Awards – for stage.


Stacey confesses that she always knew…




Follow the links below to read more:
















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.



  • Narayan said:

    Being a press man myself, I fully appreciate and admire the courage of
    Stacy Turner. Through my modest experience, interviewers have the grand advantage of meeting, talking, interacting, questioning and learning from a plethora of intellectuals from all fields. In turn, the journalist gains a lot of knowledge decanted into him/her from a vast circle.
    As experience gathers, their own knowledge swell. And thus the borrowed wisdom gets deposited inside each writer. He/she thus becomes an amalgam of knowledge that no other field of profession can offer. A journalist is capable of talking convincingly on any subject, thanks to his interaction with thousands of wise people. Strangely, seldom any of these journalists opt for positions of power. For, they have learnt only to criticize, not to operate independently!!
    S.N.Narayanan, Chennai, India. esensarma@gmail.com

    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Dear S.N.Narayanan,
      Many thanks for taking time to comment on this article.
      Have a wonderful day.
      With best regards.

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