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We have lost our grip on natural health care: going back to basics may benefit our health, pre-holiday beauty treatment and help us withstand the harsher weather conditions.

20 May 2013 6,510 views No Comment
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Shadowy stubble-bearded attractive man. The Bridge MAG. image

Shadowy stubble-bearded sexually  attractive man. The Bridge MAG. image

From the freshness of spring to the heat of summer, whether we wish to boost our confidence or just want a youthful makeover, switching from daily to intensive beauty care will help us withstand the increasingly more severe and unpredictable weather conditions, and allow our skin to stay fresher and more resilient.


Summer is just around the corner and you shouldn’t wait till the last minute to make good use of low budget beauty tips. Whether you have a swarthy, or more olive complexion, pale or more pinkish, we provide a few low budget beauty tips for women and men, from around the world.

The costs of conventional beauty treatments for today can be exorbitant.

In  October 2012, a poll from the Press Association showed that men were spending on average £1,786 a year on beauty and fashion products, almost as much as women, on £2,462 a year


Do we really have to splash out those kinds of yearly sums just to look fresh, sexy and healthy?


Centuries ago, the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians used far less cosmetic chemicals than we do today; they might have made use of embalming to preserve the tissue of the dead, but when it came to beautifying the living, they managed this as impeccably as we do in our time, but at far less expense and with far more ingenuity as to how to utilise natural substances for cosmetic purposes.


They used natural products such as salt, lemon fruit, honey, sugar, and natural oils to exfoliate and rejuvenate their skins and achieve a youthful look…





Follow the links below to read more:















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.






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