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Valentines and Love Languages: Unlock the secret code of the main Love Languages that will enable us to communicate love in a meaningful way. This Valentine’s Day The Bridge Magazine focuses on the importance of understanding and speaking each other’s love languages in a bid to achieve the tools we all need to connect deeply physically, mentally and emotionally with the ones we love.

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Valentines and Love Languages: Unlock the secret code of the main Love Languages that will enable us to communicate love in a meaningful way. The Bridge MAG. Image

Valentines and Love Languages: Unlock the secret code of the main Love Languages that will enable us to communicate love in a meaningful way.
The Bridge MAG. Image

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day on 14th February, data shows that divorce rates are increasing worldwide, and relationship experts warn COVID 19 – increased break-ups and the lack of love languages may be the cause.

This Valentine’s Day, The Bridge Magazine shares with its readers the importance of acknowledging the seven existing love languages to achieve, improve and maintain harmony with the ones we love.

Recent statistics on marriage and relationship failure raises eyebrows: with divorce applications and break-ups soaring in the UK and worldwide, leading British law firm Stewarts logged a 122% increase in enquiries, compared with the same period for the previous year.

Remember Dr Gary Chapman’s famous quote on the importance of understanding each other’s love languages: “Expressing love in the right language. We tend to speak our own love language,


This Valentine’s Day The Bridge Magazine focuses on the importance of understanding and speaking each other’s love languages in a bid to achieve the tools we all need to connect deeply physically, mentally and emotionally with the ones we love. The Bridge MAG. Image

This Valentine’s Day The Bridge Magazine focuses on the importance of understanding and speaking each other’s love languages in a bid to achieve the tools we all need to connect deeply physically, mentally and emotionally with the ones we love.
The Bridge MAG. Image

to express love to others in a language that would make us feel loved. But if it is not his/her primary love language, it will not mean to them what it would mean to us.”


Dr. Gary Chapman is the famous American author and radio talk show host who became prominent for his series entitled The Five Love Languages, regarding human relationships, with a focus on romantic relationships.



As previously mentioned in one of our successful relationship articles, Valentine’s Day is the embodiment of the celebration of love and affection. But the day has almost lost its charm, originality and depth throughout the years: modern society often struggles to come to terms with the harsh reality of aggressive marketing that comes with Valentine’s Day celebrations.





As we celebrate Valentine’s Day on 14th February, data shows that divorce rates are increasing worldwide, and relationship experts warn COVID 19 – increased break-ups and the lack of love languages may be the cause. The Bridge MAG. Image

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day on 14th February, data shows that divorce rates are increasing worldwide, and relationship experts warn COVID 19 – increased break-ups and the lack of love languages may be the cause.
The Bridge MAG. Image

The focus has drifted from genuine affection to a race against economic profits.


It’s seems there is any excuse to merchandise crude nudity and sex-related accessories at any cost: from dating websites to kinky sex accessories, not to mention the trend of ‘love’-related reality TV programmes.


Behind the pretext of seeking love, the more people strip and play clowns, the more ‘famous’ they become only to get dumped a few days later like a piece of sushi that has passed its use-by date. The whole idea behind love scenarios/ drama is the profit TV programmes can make out of the public calls and viewers.



As previously mentioned in one of our successful relationship articles, Valentine’s Day is the embodiment of the celebration of love and affection. But the day has almost lost its charm, originality and depth throughout the years: modern society often struggles to come to terms with the harsh reality of aggressive marketing that comes with Valentine’s Day celebrations. The Bridge MAG. Image

As previously mentioned in one of our successful relationship articles, Valentine’s Day is the embodiment of the celebration of love and affection. But the day has almost lost its charm, originality and depth throughout the years: modern society often struggles to come to terms with the harsh reality of aggressive marketing that comes with Valentine’s Day celebrations.
The Bridge MAG. Image

No wonder very little is often published or broadcast about how important topics such as understanding love languages are, and the respect and affection of others as human beings, in order to avoid  enslavement, abuse and objectification of others.

It is not always about SEX ONLY. Sex is only a tiny element of what an overall schedule of a young or adult human life entails. A balanced human being cannot talk constantly about sex or make love 24/7.


The importance of love languages


Everyone is different and we all have different interpretations of love signs or languages: what makes you feel love might be different to how your partner, your best friend, or family


It’s seems there is any excuse to merchandise crude nudity and sex-related accessories at any cost: from dating websites to kinky sex accessories, not to mention the trend of ‘love’-related reality TV programmes. Behind the pretext of seeking love, the more people strip and play clowns, the more ‘famous’ they become only to get dumped a few days later like a piece of sushi that has passed its use-by date. The Bridge MAG. Image

It’s seems there is any excuse to merchandise crude nudity and sex-related accessories at any cost: from dating websites to kinky sex accessories, not to mention the trend of ‘love’-related reality TV programmes. Behind the pretext of seeking love, the more people strip and play clowns, the more ‘famous’ they become only to get dumped a few days later like a piece of sushi that has passed its use-by date.
The Bridge MAG. Image

member might feel love. People tend to express their love through their own love language and if their love language does not match their partner’s they may not feel loved.


Communication is usually the biggest barrier to all relationships, not solely romantic ones. By understanding your love languages, you can eventually  learn how you prefer to be loved by guiding your partner in their choices when they decide to express their love and/or affection to you. You can also improve your way of expressing your love to your lover and loved ones. 


Find below the seven aforementioned love languages and how understanding them might help improve your relationship with your lover, your friends, your family… 


We start with the language of gifting as the top tier of them all because it is one of the most controversial. Often mistaken with materialism around the world, selfish people have taken it as an excuse to hide their selfishness. Gifts come in all shape and sizes. However, no matter the size, no matter the pecuniary value, any gift coming from the bottom of the heart is meaningful. The Bridge MAG. Image

We start with the language of gifting as the top tier of them all because it is one of the most controversial. Often mistaken with materialism around the world, selfish people have taken it as an excuse to hide their selfishness. Gifts come in all shape and sizes. However, no matter the size, no matter the pecuniary value, any gift coming from the bottom of the heart is meaningful.
The Bridge MAG. Image

There is no shame nor signs of inferiority or loss of pride  in expressing one’ s love or affection  to someone. Love makes us human.



1. Gifts


We start with the language of gifting as the top tier of them all because it is one of the most controversial. Often mistaken with materialism around the world, selfish people have taken it as an excuse to hide their selfishness.



Little acts of service could be your way of showing love and affection. It can fulfil the largest part of your lover or loved one’s hearts. It may involve cooking a lunch or a dinner for your family, or your lover, going to the grocery store to help them with their shopping. The Bridge MAG. Image

Little acts of service could be your way of showing love and affection. It can fulfil the largest part of your lover or loved one’s hearts. It may involve cooking a lunch or a dinner for your family, or your lover, going to the grocery store to help them with their shopping.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Gifts come in all shape and sizes. However, no matter the size, no matter the pecuniary value, any gift coming from the bottom of the heart is meaningful. It is not materialistic if your partner’s dominant love language is receiving gifts, you must try  to gift them often.

Helping your parent financially or investing your money in their business without being asked is an act of affection.


Providing financial support to a lover or a family member should be the standard if one can afford it. Whether it be as pocket money or for holidays …You have not done something out of the ordinary or too special. It is standard.



2. Acts of Service


Little acts of service could be your way of showing love and affection. For children, it could be taking their siblings to the park or helping their parents with household chores. The Bridge MAG. Image

Little acts of service could be your way of showing love and affection. For children, it could be taking their siblings to the park or helping their parents with household chores.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Little acts of service could be your way of showing love and affection.

It can fulfil the largest part of your lover or loved one’s hearts. It may involve cooking a lunch or a dinner for your family, or your lover, going to  the grocery store to help them with their shopping.

For children, it could be taking their siblings to the park or helping their parents with household chores. Let me open the bottle of wine for you, let me help you with the bills, let me do it for you. Those words coming from a lover or a family member time to time, are magic.


3. Quality Time


We believe this love language could be classified as one of the top tier too. If you have love or affection for someone, you always find time to spend quality time with them. If you hardly spend quality time with your children or a lover, you do not give them enough time to express themselves. The Bridge MAG. Image

We believe ‘Quality Time’ love language could be classified as one of the top tier too. If you have love or affection for someone, you always find time to spend quality time with them. If you hardly spend quality time with your children or a lover, you do not give them enough time to express themselves.
The Bridge MAG. Image

We believe this love language could be classified as one of the top tier too. If you have love or affection for someone, you always find time to spend quality time with them

If you hardly spend quality time with your children or a lover, you do not give them enough time to express themselves. You will never know what the feel about your relationship what the like or dislike about you or about the way you treat them.

Some parents are carried away by their political views, their businesses or professional fame and success so that they know very little about their children.


They know nothing about parenthood. They don’t know their children’s favourite colours, their favourite movies, their favourite food, when they first have their menstrual period, their first love, their sexual orientation, the friends they hang out with…


Some children have grown too rich or too busy to care about their parents, grand parents or siblings. They have forgotten everything about brotherhood, their parents’ sleepless nights, the nappies changing and breastfeeding, let alone the cost of their education, all the hassle their parents have been through in order for them to succeed in life. The Bridge MAG. Image

Some children have grown too rich or too busy to care about their parents, grand parents or siblings. They have forgotten everything about brotherhood, their parents’ sleepless nights, the nappies changing and breastfeeding, let alone the cost of their education, all the hassle their parents have been through in order for them to succeed in life.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Just like some children have grown too rich or too busy to care about their parents, grand parents or siblings. They have forgotten everything about brotherhood, their parents’ sleepless nights, the nappies changing and breastfeeding, let alone the cost of their education, all the hassle their parents have been through in order for them to succeed in life.




We believe ‘Quality Time’ love language could be classified as one of the top tier too. If you have love or affection for someone, you always find time to spend quality time with them. Some children have grown too rich or too busy to care about their parents, grand parents or siblings.  The Bridge MAG. Image

We believe ‘Quality Time’ love language could be classified as one of the top tier too. If you have love or affection for someone, you always find time to spend quality time with them. Some children have grown too rich or too busy to care about their parents, grand parents or siblings. 
The Bridge MAG. Image

They just drop a text message to wish a happy birthday to their parents (that is if they even remember their birthday), their only relationship is sometimes just crediting their parents’ accounts. Paying a visit to your parents, staying over for a weekend or a few days, bringing your mother for a manicure or accompanying your father for a fresh haircut as a little treat is a love language.


For each aforementioned case, whatever the reason, an absolute lack of quality time is neither love nor affection. That is being mean, selfish and egocentric. The greatest gift you can give someone you respect, someone you love, is your time.


Words are powerful. If you respect, are affectionate towards or love someone you use specific words to communicate with them. The Bridge MAG. Image

Words are powerful. If you respect, are affectionate towards or love someone you use specific words to communicate with them.
The Bridge MAG. Image

4. Words of Affirmation



Words are powerful. If you respect, are affectionate towards or love someone you use specific words to communicate with them. If they are in trouble, if they lack confidence in their work or themselves, you use words to comfort them, to support them, to help them. You do not use words to hurt, to harm, to humiliate. The words we use and how we use them can lift others up or break  them down for ever.


Physical affection can bring a bit of comfort, support, and kindness as well. If your lover or loved ones are dominant in the love language of physical touch, physical presence and accessibility are very important. The Bridge MAG. Image

Physical affection can bring a bit of comfort, support, and kindness as well. If your lover or loved ones are dominant in the love language of physical touch, physical presence and accessibility are very important.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Words of affirmation are some people’s dominant love languages. Words of affirmation are any spoken or written words that positively empathize with someone. They can boost dreams or break them. They can invite connections or obstruct them.


If you notice that your lover  or your  loved ones get a thrill when you demonstrate lovely words  of appreciation such as compliments, gratitude, and words of encouragement, be more vocal about the positive aspects you want to highlight about them. Your relationship will thrive as a result.  The ecstasy that comes from a lovely note left just for you can be fulfilling.



5. Physical Touch


Physical affection can bring a bit of comfort, support, and kindness as well. If your lover or loved ones are dominant in the love language of physical touch, physical presence and accessibility are very important. The Bridge MAG. Image

Physical affection can bring a bit of comfort, support, and kindness as well. If your lover or loved ones are dominant in the love language of physical touch, physical presence and accessibility are very important.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Physical affection can bring a bit of comfort, support, and kindness as well.

If your lover or loved ones are dominant in the love language of physical touch, physical presence and accessibility are very important.

This language is expressed by a  reassuring touch,  through hugs , kisses, cuddles, a firm handshake, holding hands, playing with their hair, pats on the back, massage, of any kind, and just being close to your lover or loved ones.


A kiss on the forehead or on the cheeks followed by a firm and cordial handshake to congratulate your child or siblings for their achievement will make them feel special, just like a passionate French kiss to a lover.


Never assume your lover or loved ones knows everything you expect in your relationship. Let them know: communication is the backbone of every relationship. If you feel hurt, say it so it can be rectified. The Bridge MAG. Image

Never assume your lover or loved ones knows everything you expect in your relationship. Let them know: communication is the backbone of every relationship. If you feel hurt, say it so it can be rectified.
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6. Communication


Never assume your lover or loved ones knows everything you expect in your relationship. Let them know: communication is the backbone of every relationship. If you feel hurt, say it so it can be rectified. Do not hide your feelings to save a relationship. When you respect, are affectionate towards or love someone you need to make an effort to subtly ask them to improve your relationship.



All humans have all the  seven love languages within them  to varying degrees. Understanding your own needs and those of your lover and loved ones  will help you establish a more respectful, affectionate or loving relationship. You do not  have to speak the same love language to have a fulfilling , balanced and long lasting relationship. Communicating  your needs in a meaningful way  with your lover or loved ones is key.


Everyone deserves to be in a relationship where they respect, are affectionate towards, love and feel respected or loved back by their lover or loved ones. Unlike what some have been led to believe, expressing respect, affection and love towards a lover or your loved ones does not make you look cheap or weak in the eyes of others. The Bridge MAG. Image

Everyone deserves to be in a relationship where they respect, are affectionate towards, love and feel respected or loved back by their lover or loved ones. Unlike what some have been led to believe, expressing respect, affection and love towards a lover or your loved ones does not make you look cheap or weak in the eyes of others.
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7 . Expressing  affection and Love


Everyone deserves to be in a relationship where they respect, are affectionate towards,  love and  feel respected   or  loved back  by their lover or loved ones. Unlike what some have been led to believe,  expressing respect, affection and love  towards a lover or your loved ones does not make you  look cheap or weak in the eyes of others. Sincere acts of respect, affection, or love should be blessed and  celebrated. Respect, affection and love are never in vain, they are acts of value in themselves.


Love languages are all inclusive for a perfect harmony in all relationships. Knowing your love languages allows you to share them with your lover or loved ones in a subtler manner. Knowing your partner’s, your friends or family’s love languages allows you to satisfy their needs before they even express them.


The Bridge Magazine wishes a happy belated Valentine’s Day to everyone.  The Bridge MAG. Image

The Bridge Magazine wishes a happy belated Valentine’s Day to everyone.
 The Bridge MAG. Image

You are less likely to face miscommunication issues if you are able to understand the aforementioned seven existing love languages. This will enable you to choose among them the right ones to apply to your situation or to your case. 


The Bridge Magazine wishes a happy belated Valentine’s Day to everyone.


As a follow up and update  of The Bridge Magazine’s 10th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.



As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 10th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution. The Bridge MAG. Image

As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 10th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.
The Bridge MAG. Image








Follow the links below to purchase one  or various  of  The Bridge Books. 



1)  Global News That Never Fades: From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





2) Beauty, Health and Wellbeing Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





3) Education Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





  4)  Love and Relationship Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





5)    True Crimes and Prevention Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





6) Economy and Investment Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





7) Soft & Hard News Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





8) Urban Legend Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





9) High-Profile People Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





10) Arts and Culture Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





11) Travel & Tourism Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





12) Politics Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.









Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.

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  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear All,

    A massive thank you for all your comments that I receive everyday regarding my articles.
    Just to note: if I do not reply to your comments individually it is because there is an overload of comments in my dashboard but I do see all your feedback and comments and we, the team at The Bridge Magazine ?️? are eternally grateful.

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor ?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

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