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True crimes and preventions. With a girl found dead after taking ecstasy in the UK, a teenager stabbed to death in a playground in Cameroon for his iPhone, a lady dumped in a bath after having her two kidneys stolen following a flirt the night before in a night club in France, has the world literally become a valley of death?

20 November 2019 2,661 views No Comment
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On 11th August 2019: Eboney Cheshire,United Kingdom age 13, tragically died from an ecstasy-related seizure after taking the party drug… Bright, beautiful, intelligent, with a promising future. was aiming at a medical career. Gone too soon. The Bridge MAG. Image.

On 11th August 2019: Eboney Cheshire,United Kingdom age 13, tragically died from an ecstasy-related seizure after taking the party drug…
Bright, beautiful, intelligent, with a promising future. was aiming at a medical career. Gone too soon.
The Bridge MAG. Image.

Shocking tabloid headlines about the rise in urban violence and stabbings has prompted our editorial to analyse the issue in the UK and abroad in a bid to suggest efficient solutions to prevent and tackle a spiral of violence and mourning worldwide.

Fear is everywhere: anecdotal facts such as ‘killer dumping their victim in their flat before heading out on a date’ or ‘the reason for killing was boredom’ have shaped people’s awareness in such a way that they will subconsciously hardly trust a fly. People are afraid to step outside, scared to familiarise themselves too much with neighbours as people’s true intentions cannot be guessed on the surface.

Kids start carrying knives as soon as they stop being breastfed, one may say, as figures show in the UK that the youngest child caught with a weapon that had been brought onto the school premises was aged just four.

Figures from NHS England reveal a 54% rise in the number of children and teenagers treated for injuries from knives over five years.

Worldwide crime statistics can be difficult to pin down and to analyse. However, the global homicide rate, as compiled by The Small Arms Survey (a project by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva), shows that murder rates and ‘death by lethal violence’ are up across the world for the first time in over a decade. According to their Crime Index the GIIDS assigns the UK an index figure of 42.72. This puts the UK in the top third for crime in Europe.


Violence and knife crimes in UK and abroad at glance.


United Kingdom…






On 29 March 2019: Tchanou O. Blerius, aged 18, in a bilingual high school in Douala Cameroon, tragically died after being stabbed in the school playground by a class mate for his iphone in broad daylight. Handsome, friendly, he was predicted A and A*s for his A Levels in further Maths. He was aiming at a medical career. He was the only son; his parents remain inconsolable. The Bridge MAG. Image

On 29 March 2019: Tchanou O. Blerius, aged 18, in a bilingual high school in Douala Cameroon, tragically died after being stabbed in the school playground by a class mate for his iphone in broad daylight.
Handsome, friendly, he was predicted A and A*s for his A Levels in further Maths. He was aiming at a medical career. He was the only son; his parents remain inconsolable.
The Bridge MAG. Image


























The sociologist, historian and civil rights activist W.E.B Dubois once said: “The chief problem in any community cursed with crime is not the punishment of the criminals, but the preventing of the young from being trained to crime.”


William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (1868–1963) better known as W.E.B Dubois was an American sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, pan-Africanist, author, writer and editor.


Reason for the rise in knife crimes rate among youth


The deep equidistance between elite and proletariat remains the seed of any society’s alteration.


Broadly speaking, adults in the UK …



Drugs, mobile phones and weapons seized by police in UK. The Bridge MAG. Image.

Drugs, mobile phones and weapons seized by police in UK.
The Bridge MAG. Image.

















Some film makers and businessmen…

According to analysis published in JAMA Internal Medicine, ‘France addressed its own kidney shortage’…


In Paris in mid-October 2019: a young lady had her kidneys stolen, following a flirt the night before in a night club in Paris (France). A victim of organ trafficking. A beautician and friends of the young lady took to social media to report the tragic death of their friend. The Bridge Magazine cannot reveal her name for legal reasons (Data Protection). The Bridge MAG. Image.

In Paris in mid-October 2019: a young lady had her kidneys stolen, following a flirt the night before in a night club in Paris (France). A victim of organ trafficking. A beautician and friends of the young lady took to social media to report the tragic death of their friend.
The Bridge Magazine cannot reveal her name for legal reasons (Data Protection).
The Bridge MAG. Image.
















Follow the links below to read more:

















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.







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