True crimes and preventions: As the world celebrated Halloween, drinks are being spiked and girls have been injected with HIV and other drugs around UK night clubs, on campus and other nightlife areas, raising concerns over popular serial killer series on Netflix, such as ‘YOU’, that may inspire more potential killers by bringing out the dormant psychopath in them. The Bridge Magazine investigates how to spot a serial killer or a family killer in a bid to prevent dangerous psychopaths to strike again and make more victims.

UK students took social media by storm to raise concern over a new trend of contaminating others, predominantly girls, in nightclubs, on campuses and at parties by drink and needle spiking.
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UK students took social media by storm to raise concern over a new trend of contaminating others, predominantly girls, in nightclubs, on campuses and at parties by drink and needle spiking.
On 10th October 2021, Zarah Owen a Nottingham first year student was one of the first victims to come forward with her story, sharing with her Facebooks friends. In a post about blacking out shortly after arriving at a nightclub.
On ‘The Study on the Effects of Movie Violence on the Aggressive Behaviour in Adolescents’ Jolly Johnson wrote:

As the world celebrates Halloween, drinks are being spiked and girls have been injected with HIV and other drugs around UK night clubs, on campus and other nightlife areas.
The most common theory is that Halloween was a festival thought to have originated with the Druids: a Celtic culture celebrated annually every October 31 to honour the dead.
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“A serial killer series cannot fully contribute to the development of youths’ emotional and moral intelligence and does not build their self-esteem either. Rather, serial killer movies create a subversive reality that can only increase the level of aggressiveness in teenagers and young adults and subsequently their risk to adopt repressive attitudes.”
Nottinghamshire Police recently teamed up with partner agencies in a bid to tackle and reassure the local community that any reports of spiking are being heavily investigated and taken seriously. The force has received 44 spiking reports dating from 4th September 2021, 12 of these have alleged spiking by something sharp as opposed to a traditional method of contaminated alcoholic drinks. The first of these 12 were reported on 2nd October 2021.
Meanwhile, an extremely methodical, calculated, smart and seemingly charming serial killer is currently being glamourized on Netflix.

Crime Scene Forensic Identification.
On ‘The Study on the Effects of Movie Violence on the Aggressive Behaviour in Adolescents’ Jolly Johnson wrote: “A serial killer series cannot fully contribute to the development of youths’ emotional and moral intelligence and does not build their self-esteem either. Rather, serial killer movies create a subversive reality that can only increase the level of aggressiveness in teenagers and young adults and subsequently their risk to adopt repressive attitudes.”
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The Netflix series ‘ YOU’ tells Penn Badgley as Joe Goldberg’s story, a bookstore manager in New York, who upon meeting Guinevere Beck, an aspiring writer, becomes infatuated with her, and whose toxic patterns of obsession and violence using social media and his ability to plan and execute murders are beyond belief.
According to recent statistics, ‘YOU’ is one of Netflix’s most viewed series of all-time with its second season reaching 457 million viewers. Recent statistics reveal the age of viewers range from 18 upwards.
On media violence and its impact on society and teenagers , media scholar W. James Potter asks provocative questions such as: How much media violence is there? What are the meanings conveyed in the way violence is portrayed? What effect does it have on viewers individually, as members of particular groups, and as members of society? And James Potter comes to the conclusion that: “Even if we were to lock up all of today’s criminals, the media are still helping to train another generation to believe that violence is a successful way to solve problems.”

Touquet Music Beach Festival. In August 1977 similar criminal behaviour happened in Touquet France: three teenagers aged 14, 15 and 16 who had come to the party, ended up in hospital after being stung by a needle by a random person in the crowd, in the middle of a concert.
Touquet Music Beach Festival is a music festival held on the sands of the coastal town in northern France. Still a relative newcomer to the French scene, the festival has nonetheless established itself as a firm favourite for music fans from across the country and beyond.
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It is not the first time in human history that people who just wanted to have fun ended up being spiked or infected or contaminated by a needle.
In August 1977 similar criminal behaviour happened in Touquet France: three teenagers aged 14, 15 and 16 who had come to the party, ended up in hospital after being stung by a needle by a random person in the crowd, in the middle of a concert on the Touquet Music beach festival (Pas-de-Calais).

Covers/stoppers for drinks are being put in place since the continuous scandals.
It is believed groups from more than 50 universities around the UK have joined an online campaign calling for the boycott of nightclubs. A petition to make it a legal requirement for nightclubs to thoroughly search guests on entry started recently and has already gained more than 127,000 signatures. Campaigners are expecting
“ tangible ” changes making night-time venues safer, such as covers/stoppers for drinks.
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To limit the risk of contamination by the AIDS virus or by a hepatic virus, the three youth received heavy preventive treatment.
Nobody is immune to media violence. However, certain groups and categories are at greater risk of delinquent behaviour, and media should acknowledge their responsibility for the negative influence they impose on teenagers and young adults.
Violent media content may also kill an urge for creativity and imagination and bar the youths’ capacity for constructive, problem solving scenarios and peaceful outcomes.

Harold Shipman also known as ‘Doctor Death’ (pictured).
The British GP is believed to have killed at least 218 patients, although the total is quite likely closer to 250.
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Our editorial suggests such series should be strictly for television consumption with PG warnings only: 18 is still not mature enough to watch serial killers series.
Evidence shows that, rather than ending at age 5 or 12, brain development actually continues into one’s twenties. According to researchers, the teenager brain is still under construction.
Molecular imaging and functional genomics studies have indicated that the brain remains in an active state of development during adolescence. Brain maturation during adolescence (ages 10–25

Ted Bundy (pictured).
Around 1974, Bundy was a director at the Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Commission. It is believed he wrote a rape-prevention brochure. He also worked at Washington’s Department of Emergency Services. He raped and kidnapped women after luring them to gain their trust…
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could be governed by several factors: it may be influenced by heredity and environment, prenatal and postnatal insult, nutritional status, sleep patterns, pharmacotherapy, and surgical interventions during early childhood.
It is believed groups from more than 50 universities around the UK have joined an online campaign calling for the boycott of

Lady Bluebeard (pictured).
Belle Sorenson Gunness is believed to have killed most of her boyfriends, husbands, and even children, the motive of all her killing was life insurance money. This Norwegian-American serial killer was active between 1884 and 1908.
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A petition to make it a legal requirement for nightclubs to thoroughly search guests on entry started recently and has already gained more than 127,000 signatures.
Campaigners are expecting “ tangible ” changes making night-time venues safer, such as covers/stoppers for drinks.
On how to spot a serial killer or a family killer in a bid to prevent dangerous psychopaths to strike again and make more victims.
Definition of a serial killer or a family killer according to the online dictionary:
According to the Online Thesaurus: a serial killer is a person who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive and typically following a characteristic, predictable pattern of behaviour.

Marcel Petiot (pictured)
A former juvenile delinquent, very probably sociopathic, the French physician Marcel Petiot, also known as ‘Doctor Satan’, allegedly killed almost 60 people later. He specially targeted Jews fleeing Nazi-occupied France…
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It is the rarest form of homicide, occurring when an individual has killed three or more people who were previously unknown to him or her.
Meanwhile, The Collins Online Dictionary defines a family killer as a person who commits the murder of one or several members of their own family either by jealousy or in quick succession, most often children, relatives, spouses, siblings, or parents.
Whilst other psychologists link the behaviour to early childhood abuse or drugs, criminologists reveal five key traits the most notorious killers have in common ranging from being egotistical to manipulative and charming.

Pedro Lopez (pictured)
One of the world’s most prolific serial killers might still be on the loose. Pedro Lopez is believed to have killed more than 300 people in his native Colombia and in Ecuador and Peru. At least one-third of those murders were tribal women…
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Studies revealed a link between damage to the brain’s frontal lobe and changes in the amygdala in criminal serial killers.
Family killers, also known as family annihilators, are the worst of them all. The most frightening thing about family killers is that they are family members. They are the monsters emblematic of the serpent within.
They fake tears, their laughter, to lure family members but would without remorse poison their tea to put their hands on the will. They will kill their spouses, children, siblings, or parents, for jealousy, or often in response to financial, professional, or relationship stress.

Moses Sithole (pictured)
Of South African origin, Sithole is the serial killer and rapist who committed the ABC Murders. Sithole is believed to have murdered at least 38 people …
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It is believed that family killers are cursed as in many instances, they end their killing sprees by taking their own lives, while some become fugitives from the law, living like ugly rats in sewage under new identities for years before they’re captured by police.
In July 2008, the FBI revised the definition of “serial murder” to the following:
“Serial Murder: the unlawful killing of two or more victims by the same offender (s), in separate events”. In fact, the FBI estimates that at any given time between 200 and 500 serial killers are at large; and, taken as a one group statistic, they kill 3,500 people a year. This high average among serial killers shows that killing becomes a pathological pattern, a habit, or addiction, that is difficult for the offender to break.
What is Halloween? There are many versions to the origins of ‘Halloween’. Most scholars believe that All Hallows’ Eve was originally influenced by Western European harvest festivals of the dead, which have their roots in paganism.
However, the most common theory is that Halloween was a festival thought to have originated with the Druids: a Celtic culture celebrated annually every October 31st to honour the dead.
Celts believed that not all souls were friendly: they left gifts and treats hoping to appease the evil souls, so that they could hope for a good crop for the coming year. There cannot be a better occasion than post Halloween to raise awareness of the real or potential serial killers that many of us are unknowingly in close proximity to.

Mohan Kumar, also known as Cyanide Mohan (pictured)
Was a former primary school teacher from Dakshina Kannada. The South Indian serial killer befriended women by offering them marriage. But instead would poison them after having sex with them by luring them into taking contraceptives which were in reality cyanide pills…
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Experts have revealed six key characteristics of a serial killer:
1 – Serial killers crave power
2 – Sinister manipulators
3- Egotistical boasters
4- Seeming charmers
5 – Average human person- predominantly men according to experts
6- Look like pillars of the community on first sight.
Below are the few world’s most notorious serial killers

Jack the Ripper (pictured)
‘Jack the Ripper’ was an unknown serial killer active in mostly the impoverished areas in and around the Whitechapel district of London in 1888. He murdered five female prostitutes and mutilated their corpses…
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1) Harold Shipman
Doctor Harold Shipman, also known as ‘Doctor Death’, used his position as a medical expert to manipulate his patients into treatments that ultimately killed them while posing as a caring member of society.
The British GP is believed to have killed at least 218 patients, although the total is quite likely closer to 250. This doctor practiced in London and between 1972 and 1998 worked in two difference offices. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.

John Wayne Gacy (pictured)
(March 17th , 1942 – May 10th , 1994) was an American serial killer , also known as either the ‘Killer Clown’ or ‘Patches the Clown’ who assaulted and killed at least 33 young men and boys…
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2) Ted Bundy
Around 1974, Bundy was a director at the Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Commission.
It is believed he wrote a rape-prevention brochure. He also worked at Washington’s Department of Emergency Services. The egotistical boaster
met and dated Carole Ann Boone (whom he later proposed to when on trial)
as the seemingly charming, charismatic and handsome American serial killer who confessed to 30 murders in seven states in United States between 1974 and 1978, although it is believed he killed many more. He raped and kidnapped women after luring them to gain their trust, either by tricking them over his apparent disability using fake slings or pretending to be a policeman or person of authority.
3) Lady Bluebeard
Belle Sorenson Gunness is believed to have killed most of her boyfriends, husbands, and even children, the motive of all her killing was life insurance money. This Norwegian-American serial killer was active between 1884 and 1908. The authorities found her body in fire remains at her family farmhouse, along with 11 more people. She was pronounced dead, but there are rumours she may have framed her own death in order to escape.

Thierry Paulin (pictured)
( 28th November 1963 – April 16th , 1989 ) Thierry Paulin, also known as the ‘Monster of Montmartre’, was a French serial killer active in the 1980s who killed 21 elderly women. He was born at Fort-de-France, Martinique and allegedly died of AIDS before his trial…
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4) Marcel Petiot
A former juvenile delinquent, very probably sociopathic, the French physician Marcel Petiot, also known as ‘Doctor Satan’, allegedly killed almost 60 people later. He specially targeted Jews fleeing Nazi-occupied France. After needle-spiking them with poison, he stole their belongings, and hid their bodies in his basement. He was guillotined for his crimes.
5) Pedro Lopez
One of the world’s most prolific serial killers might still be on the loose. Pedro Lopez is believed to have killed more than 300 people in his native Colombia and in Ecuador and Peru. At least one-third of those murders were tribal women. After Lopez was arrested in 1980, police discovered the graves of more than 50 of his preteen victims.
6) Moses Sithole
Of South African origin, Sithole is the serial killer and rapist who committed the ABC Murders, so called because he began his killing in Atteridgeville, continued in Boksburg, and terminated in Cleveland, a suburb of Johannesburg. Sithole is believed to have murdered at least 38 people between 16th July 1994 and 6th November 1995.
7) Mohan Kumar, also known as Cyanide Mohan
Was a former primary school teacher from Dakshina Kannada. The South Indian serial killer befriended women by offering them marriage. But instead would poison them after having sex with them by luring them into taking contraceptives which were in reality cyanide pills. He reportedly stole their jewellery after killing them. He was allegedly involved in bank frauds and other financial forgeries. Sentenced to death in 2013, he was allegedly involved in bank frauds and other financial forgeries.
8) Jack the Ripper
‘Jack the Ripper’ was an unknown serial killer active in mostly the impoverished areas in and around the Whitechapel district of London in 1888. He murdered five female prostitutes and mutilated their corpses.
Some researchers claim they have unmasked ‘Jack the Ripper’: in March 2019 a forensic investigation published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences identified the killer as Aaron Kosminski, a 23-year-old Polish barber who was prime suspect at the time.
9) John Wayne Gacy
(March 17th , 1942 – May 10th , 1994) was an American serial killer , also known as either the ‘Killer Clown’ or ‘Patches the Clown’ who assaulted and killed at least 33 young men and boys. A construction worker involved in politics known by his neighbours as outgoing and friendly, who threw popular block parties, volunteered in local Democratic politics and often performed as a clown at local children’s hospitals and charitable events. He was a former prisoner who was convicted for assaulting a boy in his teens.

Charles Sobhraj (pictured)
Born : April 6th , 1944 in Ho Chi Minh City. Charles Sobhraj, also known as the ‘Bikini Killer’ and ‘The Serpent’, is the notorious serial killer criminal who was convicted of killing twelve tourists in Southeast Asia in the 1970s, only because of his hatred for hippies.
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11) Thierry Paulin
( 28th November 1963 – April 16th , 1989 )
Thierry Paulin, also known as the ‘Monster of Montmartre’, was a French serial killer active in the 1980s who killed 21 elderly women. He was born at Fort-de-France, Martinique and allegedly died of AIDS before his trial. In the 1980s The whole city of Paris was alert because Paris’ 18th district was under attack. Thierry Paulin made a crucial mistake that cost him his freedom. When one of his victims survived and turned him over to the police, it was the end of it.
12) Charles Sobhraj
Born : April 6th , 1944 in Ho Chi Minh City
Charles Sobhraj, also known as the ‘Bikini Killer’ and ‘The Serpent’, is the notorious serial killer criminal who was convicted of killing twelve tourists in Southeast Asia in the 1970s, only because of his hatred for hippies. He was jailed in India, he is now serving a life sentence in Nepal.
A serial killer personality trait is not easy to pin down at glance: in the US, for instance, John Wayne Gacy was politically active in his Chicago suburb and engaged with the local community. In contrast, in his private life, he raped and killed teenage boys and buried their remains in his backyard.

Many in Britain and worldwide lay wreaths on the graves of loved ones in the grim knowledge that they were snatched from them by the terrible acts of ‘serial killers’.
Answering the question, what goes on inside serial killers’ minds? will prevent more people becoming their victims.
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Many in Britain and worldwide lay wreaths on the graves of loved ones in the grim knowledge that they were snatched from them by the terrible acts of ‘serial killers’.
Answering the question, what goes on inside serial killers’ minds? will prevent more people becoming their victims.
Previous studies have found a connection between serial killers and childhood abuse, including physical, mental and sexual.
The killers usually come from unstable families, and shown signs of voyeurism and sadomasochism from an early age.
We are all potential victims, no one is safe. The killer, in general, and the ‘serial’ killer in particular, is our fellow primate: he can be a generous person, a friend, a member of our family, an official in a respected profession, the next-door neighbour, a one night-stand encounter, a fiancé, a colleague, or a classmate; someone we have befriended, love, who has managed to gain our trust.

As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 10th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.
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As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 10th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.
Follow the links below to purchase one or various of The Bridge Books.
1) Global News That Never Fades: From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.
2) Beauty, Health and Wellbeing Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.
3) Education Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives
4) Love and Relationship Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives
5) True Crimes and Prevention Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives
6) Economy and Investment Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives
7) Soft & Hard News Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives
8) Urban Legend Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives
9) High-Profile People Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives
10) Arts and Culture Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives
11) Travel & Tourism Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives
12) Politics Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.
Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of
The Bridge Books and
The Bridge Magazine Editor.