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True crime and prevention: The Bridge Magazine launches a Crusade in the cause of missing or abducted children worldwide in the wake of the Madeleine McCann investigation’s latest twist: police get £300k to continue inquiries till 2020 the Home Office has revealed.

20 June 2019 6,650 views 3 Comments
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Gerry and Kate McCann are parents of Madeleine McCann who went missing in May 2007 from her family’s holiday villa in Portugal.
Despite the global search, high level of media coverage and funding, there have been no significant clues as to what could have happened to Maddie.
The Bridge MAG. Image

The ongoing saga surrounding the disappearance of British child Madeleine McCann, which first rocked the world news twelve years ago, has recently taken a new twist after Operation Grange was confirmed to have been granted special funding to pursue leads until at least March 2020.

Critics are fuming over the funding, but we all know that the race against time, the value of the love of a child is priceless. We hope this will bring Maddie back. But the sad news is that not every child is Madeleine McCann or John Paul Getty III, the grandson of American billionaire oil tycoon Getty Sr , who was once the richest man in the world.

A myriad of children worldwide are missing and their parents and relatives will never have the same opportunities, neither from the police, nor from a billionaire grandparent, if their children go missing or are abducted.


Action and preventions are of paramount importance to avoid the consequences of the likes of the notorious James Bulger abduction case.


According to the Home Office of England and Wales’ Crime Statistics, ‘A child disappears in the UK every three minutes’[...]whereas in the United States of America, the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children recently reported that ‘a child goes missing every 40 seconds; thus 2,000 per day, or roughly 800,000 children, are missing every year in America’. The Bridge MAG. Image

According to the Home Office of England and Wales’ Crime Statistics, ‘A child disappears in the UK every three minutes’[…]whereas in the United States of America, the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children recently reported that ‘a child goes missing every 40 seconds; thus 2,000 per day, or roughly 800,000 children, are missing every year in America’.
The Bridge MAG. Image

The world statistics related to missing children are truly beyond belief. According to the Home Office of England and Wales’ Crime Statistics, ‘A child disappears in the UK every three minutes’, whereas in the United States of America, the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children recently reported that ‘a child goes missing every 40 seconds; thus 2,000 per day, or roughly 800,000 children, are missing every year in America’.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic: ‘A child goes missing every six hours in South Africa’, according to recent figures released by the South African Police Service Missing Persons Bureau.


The world’s media has always been prompt in splashing sensationalist headlines and broadcasting special crime watch programmes related to issues of missing children.

However, it looks as though this approach has not necessarily led to dramatic action or improvement in terms of prevention of such crimes.

According to UNICEF, child trafficking…

Below is some useful advice to parents, teachers or child welfare workers from around the world to prevent child abductions, with special emphasis on the gradated precautions according to a child’s social background….


Young children or teenagers should:…



On May 3rd 2007, Madeleine McCann then three disappeared from her bed in a holiday apartment in Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva, Praia da Luz, a resort in the Algarve region of Portugal. The Bridge MAG. Image

On May 3rd 2007, Madeleine McCann then three disappeared from her bed in a holiday apartment in Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva, Praia da Luz, a resort in the Algarve region of Portugal.
The Bridge MAG. Image













What if an offender grabs your child’s wrist or attempts to lure them away somewhere or abduct them?…




Follow the links below to read more:















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.




  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

    On 20 June 2019 at 12:20 pm Mikhail said:

    “C’est un thème important merci d’avoir touché du doigt un fléau de la société dans ce magnifique article”

  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

    On 21 June 2019 at 6:25 am The Editor replied to Mikhail’s comment saying:

    Cher M. Mikhael,

    Merci à vous pour le temps et l’énergie que vous avez consacré à l’article.
    Merci de vous pencher sur votre clavier pour nous faire parvenir vos messages de soutien et d’encouragement. Encore une fois, merci pour votre fidélité.
    Merci également à tous les lecteurs aux quatre coins du monde qui nous ont permis de faire grandir ce journal.
    Avec toute la gratitude de toute l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine.


  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

    Dear readers,

    Due to a heavy traffic we are currently shifting our server . This has subsequently resulted to the loss of some of our previous comments and this has also prevented us from replying to thousands of other comments in moderation.

    However we will be prompt to reply to other comments.

    Many thanks for your understanding,

    Kind Regards,

    The editor,

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