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The ugly face of high tech: behind lies, spin and propaganda about  squalid, illiterate and illegal immigrants landing ashore upon European soil, the Pentagon and warmongers have set their eyes on Sub-Saharan Africa:  planning to invade and bleed out dry the resource-rich continent of its endless ores of natural resources.

20 October 2019 3,091 views No Comment
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The Pentagon and warmongers have set their eyes on Sub-Saharan Africa:  planning to invade and bleed out dry the resource-rich continent of its endless ores of natural resources. The Bridge MAG. Image.

The Pentagon and warmongers have set their eyes on Sub-Saharan Africa:  planning to invade and bleed out dry the resource-rich continent of its endless ores of natural resources.
The Bridge MAG. Image.












The malignant war over mineral resources is the primary reason why Sub-Saharan African has been and is still enslaved; Africans have become eternal apatrids cursed to travel the world in search of recognition of their humanity.

Exclusion is often their sad reality, indefinite outsiders ready to do what it takes to ‘fit in.’  

Once again African immigrants have been filling world headlines for the wrong reasons, after refugees arrived in Lampedusa on the Italian coast. But migration and brain-draining from African to Western countries following Westernforeign policy coups to overthrow former colonies and governments/puppet presidentsin a bid to continue to exploit mineral resourcesrarely makes the headlines.  


 John Pilger is one of the world’s pre-eminent investigative journalists and documentary film-makers. The Bridge MAG. Image

John Pilger is one of the world’s pre-eminent investigative journalists and documentary film-makers.
The Bridge MAG. Image

‘The true ugly face of this New Economic Order’ is depicted at length by the investigative journalist John Pilger in his special report entitled ‘War By Other Means’, published on 20th April 2012. According to Pilger, it was the


United States that fashioned the present “global economy”, at Bretton Woods in 1944, so that its military and corporate arms would have unlimited access to minerals, oil, markets and cheap labour. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund were invented to implement this strategy. Their base is Washington, where they are joined by an umbilical cord to the US Treasury, a few blocks away. This is where the globalisation of poverty and the use of debt as a weapon of control were conceived. When John Maynard Keynes, the British representative at Bretton Woods, proposed a tax on creditor nations, designed to prevent poor countries falling into perpetual debt, he was told by the Americans that if he persisted, Britain would not get its desperately needed war loans. More than half a century later, the gap between the richest 20 per cent of humanity and the poorest 20 per cent has doubled.’





Red top and mostly right-wing tabloids have gone to great lengths over recent decades  to manufacture negative headlines about African immigrants while avoiding to report on the chronic, malignant, covert war America and its other Western counterparts are waging on Africa to feed their never ending high tech needs. 

NO TO WAR : Wars have done more harm than good to civilians around the world.The Bridge MAG. Image

America is allegedly planning to invade and bleed sub-Saharan Africa dry of its  resources via the so called ‘secret surrogate’ programme. 


According to Wesley Morgan, a military affairs reporter at Politico: …




Follow the links below to read more:















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.




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