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The natural beauty glow corner

9 December 2011 38,610 views 4 Comments
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Our skin is constantly exposed to damage from pollution, smoke and sunlight, causing collagen fibres to loosen.

If the skin cell renewal process slows down, our skin starts to sag and no cream will restore it unless we combine it with a useful basic skincare routine.

Many women fall into the trap of spending a fortune on beauty creams that are often too rich and complex for their skin types in a desperate attempt to cultivate a younger-looking and healthier skin.

According to the consultant dermatologist Dr Victoria Lewis, from Net Doctor.co.uk:

“Skin forms the largest organ of the body, with about 16 per cent of a person’s weight. It performs many vital roles as both a barrier and a regulating influence between the outside world and the controlled environment within our bodies.”


Looking after our skin becomes the least we can do to ensure that it looks and stays healthier for longer.  It is never too late to start taking care of your skin, given that the most affordable and effective beauty secrets are held by Mother Nature herself.


Below are a few natural and homemade beauty tips to suit all skin types – from normal to oily skins.

Top five miracle budget tips to keep your skin heavenly radiant


The homemade imperial…



Follow the links below to read more:















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.




  • rachtcheungna said:

    Dear DonHerbani,
    Many thanks for your comment.
    Best wishes

  • Tiara Wasser said:

    I enjoy your online magazine. Your news is up to date and varied. This information on healthy skin and aging is well written. I take care of my skin by staying out of the sun, eating a healthy diet,and using natural products. Much success to you with this site. I shall read it more often!
    Ellen Wasser-Hrin

    • rachtcheungna said:

      Dear Ms Wasser-Hrin,

      Many thanks for your comment and your kind words. I am thrilled to learn that the piece is informative and useful. I will always try to feed the Beauty& Health category with practical and latest news.
      Thank you once more for taking time to drop a line.

      With best regards.


  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

    Dear Everet,

    Many thanks for your comment and your kind words.
    With best regards


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