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The Chinese Way.The stakes for the world’s largest Chinese-European private equity fund, Mandarin Capital Partners, are climbing higher the more the Eurozone plunges deeper into economic crisis. After purchasing companies in Italy, co-founder Alberto Forchielli is now turning his attention to Germany.

27 September 2012 9,310 views 3 Comments
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Mandarin Capital Partners advisory building.The Bridge MAG. image

Alberto Forchielli is to splash two-thirds of 1 billion euros, made available by Mandarin Capital Partners private equity fund, to acquire German companies in a bid to fuel world economic growth.

In Shanghai, the Chinese government recently launched a fund of 50 billion Yuan – the equivalent of 6.3 billion euro – with which it aims to purchase overseas companies.

Any private equity firm wishing to compete with Mandarin Capital Partners in purchasing Medium Enterprises in Germany, or any other number of companies overseas, will need to rise to the occasion, since the indefatigable Forchielli is back in the game and has raised the stakes very high.



On 20 September 2012, in an exclusive interview, with The Bridge Magazine, Mr Forchielli, the company hunter, was very confident about targeting Germany’s ‘medium-sized firms’ sector. He said:…



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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.



  • Sanoonmo said:

    And 28 European Union countries spend too difficult period.

    Argument that German companies in China is falling into the mire.

    At this time, the world economy, including the European Union, the theme in the dark, because the world economy is falling ..

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    Companies and announced the technology will provide a new growth engine is already running, and competition was declared.

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     Item is needed 4) green in the country to make a new growth engine.

    Chinese companies may be able to meet the member states would like to ask how
    That the only way to go out waving a white flag, if not, the enemy on the battlefield is that jumeum stranded.
    Yu oecd member countries (the Chinese enterprises to the country, what did? Could not embarrassing but do not understand, that a corporate hunting situations.)

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    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Dear Mr Sanghoonmoon,

      Many thanks for taking time to comment on the piece.
      With best regards


  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

    Dear Mike,

    Many thanks for the information
    With best regards.


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