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Beauty and Health, Featured »

[ 20 Mar 2016 | 10 Comments | 1,290,055 views]
Homemade chocolate based Skincare mask eliminates the dead skin cells and allows a fresher, healthier and luminous skin. The Bridge MAG. Image

Chocolate and Easter remain the perfect match with 2016 Easter week set to be the top chocolate-selling week of the year in the UK and worldwide.
According to medical researchers, raw, organic cold-pressed chocolate is composed of the most important vitamins for human health all in one food, containing over 88% of antioxidants needed by our bodies. Both food and beauty consumers are expected to splash …

Featured, News »

[ 20 Sep 2015 | No Comment | 5,346 views]
Le présent flux de migrants en Europe est l’une des conséquences immédiates et imprévisibles du ‘printemps arabe’, des conflits de la Syrie, de l'Irak, de l'Afghanistan, du Soudan et des ressortissants d'autres pays persécutés et contraints de quitter leur pays d’origine. The Bridge MAG. Image

Flying from Tunisia to Afghanistan, via Sudan, and other countries torn apart by war, the western military plane has now landed back swamped with refugees.
The migrant crisis in Europe is making the UK and the world’s headlines: pictures of children’s corpses dumped ashore and families desperate to cross European borders have become the media-dominating images, but very little has been said about the source of …