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[ 20 Nov 2021 | No Comment | 4,329 views]
Ted Bundy Vers 1974, Bundy était Directeur de la Commission Consultative de Prévention du Crime de Seattle. On pense qu'il a écrit une brochure sur la prévention du viol. Il a également travaillé au Département des Services d'Urgence de Washington. Le vantard égoïste a enlevé et tué une fille de 12 ans : Kimberley Leach de son Lycée en Floride. Les jurés recommanderont qu'il soit condamné à mort pour le crime quelques heures plus tard. The Bridge MAG. Image

UK students took social media by storm to raise concern over a new trend of contaminating others, predominantly girls, in nightclubs, on campuses and at parties by drink and needle spiking.
On 10th October 2021, Zarah Owen a Nottingham first year student was one of the first victims to come forward with her story, sharing with her Facebooks friends. In a post about blacking out shortly …

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[ 20 Jun 2021 | 2 Comments | 6,480 views]
Christine Van Loo en compétition comme gymnaste acrobatique. Photo_ Crédit _ Les photos d'acro-gymnastique

Could the seven time nominated female aerialist of the year and athlete of the decade, Christine Van Loo,become the next seductive foil for 007 in the iconic fifty-year-old film franchise James Bond ?
After performing live in a six week tour with the legendary Paul McCartney during which she opened solo in front of millions of people as well as choreographing the aerial portion of Britney Spears’ …