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[ 20 May 2022 | One Comment | 3,734 views]
Au cœur de la crise Russo-Ukrainienne en cours, l’écho du grand tumulte économique continue à retentir au Royaume-Uni et dans le monde entier pendant que l'écart entre les classes sociales se creuse simultanément. The Bridge MAG. Image

Human dignity is at stake. The severe decline in basic human necessities is urging our editorial to propose drastic solutions to governments worldwide, in order to prevent a cataclysmic revolution which could result in shops becoming battlefields in order to seek refuge whether it be for warmth or food.

Relying in bins to feed oneself whilst ignoring being captured on camera, is a wakeup call.  In …

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[ 20 Apr 2022 | One Comment | 5,908 views]
Urgence et Crise Humanitaire au cœur de notre éditorial. L'espèce humaine est en danger : notre droit humain fondamental à une alimentation adéquate est en jeu alors que la guerre en Ukraine s'aggrave de manière persistante. The Bridge MAG. Image

Reliance on Mother Nature’s remedies to prevent and fight famine and strengthen our immune systems is IMPERATIVE as the impact of the war in Ukraine on food security is all pervasive.

Easter 2022 may be remembered as the worst of them all since the mid-1970s as experts warn poverty is to hit home harsher. UK household incomes are now facing their biggest decline ever. Energy prices …