Articles tagged with: thank you
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From the best primary Catholic schools, to the best bilingual grammar school and bilingual high school, as well as the most prestigious and elite private schools and universities in Yaoundé (Cameroun) via Dakar (Sénégal),
Fontainebleau (France) to London in the UK, the author and editor owes her success to highly professional teachers, lecturers, mentors, loving parents, family and friends.
The author states in the book synopsis: “The …
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Commodity prices make chocolate a treasure: it is believed that over 1 billion people eat chocolate every year. Despite the current pandemic, chocolate is still selling like hot cakes.
Covid – 19 Impact on Chocolate Market trends and growth
Key market insight research from Market Intelligence FORTUNE Business Insights recently revealed statistics in their article entitled ’Food Processing and Processed Food / Cocoa and Chocolate Market’:
‘The global cocoa …