Articles tagged with: goodbye
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From the best primary Catholic schools, to the best bilingual grammar school and bilingual high school, as well as the most prestigious and elite private schools and universities in Yaoundé (Cameroun) via Dakar (Sénégal),
Fontainebleau (France) to London in the UK, the author and editor owes her success to highly professional teachers, lecturers, mentors, loving parents, family and friends.
The author states in the book synopsis: “The …
Featured, Urban Legend »

Urban legends are believed to be modern day fairy tales. Just as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves or Puss in Boots were spread by oral tradition, urban myths are spread by word of mouth, creating contemporary folklore, often with a moral sting in the tale.
George Orwell once wrote: ‘Myths which are believed in tend to become true.’
George Orwell (1903 – 1950) was the pen name …