Skin Trade: Mother Nature is the most talented artist of them all: how many seconds of your life an unhealthy skin care treatment is stealing from you? Sun beds, laser skin-whitening and the costly pursuit of beauty. The Bridge Magazine analyses the must-have all-embracing skincare product.
20 April 2018

According to the internet’s leading statistics database and studies: The global export volume of coconut oil was projected to reach 1.78 million metric tons.’ In 2018.
The Bridge MAG. Image.
A few days ago Caprice walked out nervously from her local clinic dumbstruck, clutching a positive skin cancer result caused by skin whitening treatment.
The thirty something investment banker who lives in London is now wondering how to break the devastating news to her partner and family.
In early April this year, when asked why she wanted The Bridge Magazine to share her experience, she burst into tears and explained: “Whatever the outcome of my skin condition, I would like to prevent people in the UK and from around the world from using deadly skin treatment and cream”.

Main Features and Health benefits of Virgin Organic Coconut Oil:
Usefulness in skin care hair care/ its prevents systemic candidiasis, a tragic disease caused by an excessive and uncontrolled growth of yeast.
The Bridge MAG. Image.
The pursuit of a beautiful appearance has become an obsession for both sexes in the UK and around the world.
We all want to look good to boost our overall confidence. However, how far is too far when it comes to skincare products? Where do we draw the line? Remember, our skin is the largest organ of our bodies, the most susceptible to outside forces, the surface that we present to the world.

An Afro- Asian baby from America. The Bridge MAG.Image
The Gentle Premium Organic Virgin Coconut Oil is ideal for babies. It cures eczema, cradle cap, nappy rash, skin sores, redness and inflammation.
According to Dr Trevor Cates: “What we put on our skin …
Follow the links below to read more:
1) Beauty, Health and Wellbeing Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.
2) Global News That Never Fades: From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.
Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of
The Bridge Books and
The Bridge Magazine Editor.
Merci bien pour cet article édifiant. Depuis le Togo
Cher M. Mikhail,
Rien ne saurait nous faire plus plaisir. Merci de faire partie de notre lectorat.
Toute l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine vous souhaite une agréable journée.
Bien cordialement,
Bel article Rachel,
“Loupap-loupap” (go ahead, in Bamun language).
Comme quoi nous devons pleinement profiter de la mère nature.
Et de plus en plus au Cameroun, le “manyanga” (huile de palmiste) est prisée. Et ses vertus nombreuses.
Mes encouragements à toute l’équipe de “The Bridge Magazine”.
Bon week-end.
Cher M. MOLUH,
Nous ne vous remercierons jamais assez de faire partie du lectorat fidèle de The Bridge Magazine.
Merci pour vos encouragements et surtout pour vos conseils. Nous tâcherons très prochainement de faire profiter à tous
Les vertus de l’huile de palmiste, dont nous gardons le vif souvenir, pour avoir guéri nos piqûres d’insectes, les marques des travaux champêtres…
Toute l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine vous souhaite également un Excellent weekend.
Bien cordialement,