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Sixes and Sevens. 2014 is designated in numerology to be a ‘universal year’ –the adding up of its numerical composition to make the number 7 (2+ 0 + 1+4=7) is thought to signify this :7 is considered to symbolise the ‘bridge’ between Heaven and Earth which, according to numerology, indicates that 2014 should be a year of spiritual bliss, happiness and euphoria…

20 January 2014 4,103 views No Comment
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Fate-destiny and occult-beliefs. The Bridge Mag. image

Fate-destiny and occult-beliefs. The Bridge Mag. image

Our human condition is a composite of many nuances: we are not purely a species of reason, but also of instinct, intuition, even sometimes superstition. We have a tendency to try and see beyond the surface of things.


In numerology (also known as ‘the Wisdom of Numbers’), 2014 is a year of the number “7”: this is calculated by adding all the numbers that make up ‘2014’: 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 7. Greeks believed that the number seven represented perfection, as in Greek the word means ‘to fulfil, to complete’.


More recently, in fact, only a couple of weeks ago, in his article entitled ‘The Numerology of 2014’, Owen K. Waters wrote:


‘As “7″ year, the upcoming 2014 is a time when the world will focus within to realise deeper truths. From these realisations, new courses of action will spring forth. For spiritual seekers, this will be a great year for gaining a better understanding of the universal laws of abundance. The influence of this year will help you see new opportunities to realise more of your potential in life.’


We are, as far as we are aware, the only animal which abstracts, and thinks in terms of symbols and metaphors –the bases for language and religion. Even in our more secular societies of today, we still have it in us to sometimes transcend scientific rationalism and logic to reason more speculatively through philosophy, religion, cosmology, metaphysics, and various other ‘grey areas’ of thought.


Metaphysics the branch of philosophy which preoccupies itself with trying to understand the fundamental nature of existence– has evolved throughout the centuries with human consciousness and developed into both spiritual and scientific disciplines: these two regions of human consciousness are radically different to one another, but they both attempt to explain the true nature of reality.


According to Michael McClain on Astrology and Numerology website, numerology  “is the study of numbers, and the occult manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan”.

In numerology, numbers (in terms of dates, for example) can generate knowledge of future events, in the belief that nature and existence have a predetermined pattern –or a ‘cosmic plan’. This means that numerology has a strong ‘teleological’ dimension. Teleology (from telos, ‘end, purpose’, and logia, ‘a branch of learning’) is ‘any philosophical account that holds that final causes exist in nature’.



Numerology can be traced back to Ancient Greece, Egypt, China, and many other ancient civilisations…




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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.






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