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See Beyond the Bridge.

11 December 2011 138,405 views 8 Comments
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Read the news from a different angle


Our principle is to respect and protect our readers’ interests and to be faithful to their expectations while upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity in our treatment of our interviewees and the subjects of our articles. We shall try to serve our readers not with the quantity but the quality of information. Our sources will be protected, and we will at all times ensure our articles comply with nationally and internationally recognised journalists’ codes of conduct. The Bridge Magazine is, and will always remain, politically and religiously neutral.


Our credo is: cross the bridge and see what others can’t see.


Every day, talented, hard-working journalists and consultants with new insights from their own specialist fields and backgrounds come up with brilliant ideas and share their experiences through the contributions they make to our output.



  • Billy Sly said:

    Journalist, keep up the good work! And please carry those who reaches out to carry others!

    • rachtcheungna said:

      Dear Billy,
      Thanks ever so much for your comment, your kind word and useful advise.
      Very best regards.

  • andrew said:

    I’m on your linkedin contact.

    Finally some light hearted article from you about the Bond Girl. What a change from serious articles like Amsterdam Red Light district to African Village.

    Keep up the good work.


    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Dear Andrew,
      I am blown away by your kind words and comments.
      Have a wonderful day.
      With best regards.

  • Robert D. Carver said:

    Thanks for the link, Rachel. I’ll be sure to follow your reportage/articles on this site as well.

    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Dear Robert,

      You are welcome. It is always a pleasure to share the link of our publication with our audience on LinkedIn. Feel free to follow us on

      YouTube: Rachel Tcheungna 

      Rachel Tcheungna

      Kind Regards,

      The Editor

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear All,

    December 2011 December 2022 (11 years in the making)

    Thank you for all your wishes for The Bridge Magazines 🗞️🌍 year Anniversary.

    Thank you for giving me enough hope to keep the flame burning: it keeps my love for writing alive. The whole team at The Bridge Magazine says thank you to all the readers for being part of our success.

    The Editor🗞️🌍
    Rachel Tcheungna

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Chers tous, chères toutes,

    Décembre 2011 Décembre 2022 The Bridge Magazine🗞️🌍 fête ses 11 ans.

    Une avalanche de remerciements à tous les lecteurs qui nous ont permis de faire grandir ce journal 🗞️🌍 Notre lectorat est la raison pour laquelle je continue à m’accrocher au stylo, au crayon et au clavier malgré la pression du travail et les difficultés du Journalisme.

    Merci infiniment de m’avoir donné suffisamment d’espoir pour garder allumée la flamme de ma passion pour le métier. Toute l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine 🗞️🌍 exprime sa profonde gratitude à tous les lecteurs du monde entier pour avoir contribué à notre succès.

    Bien cordialement,

    L’Éditrice 🗞️🌍
    Rachel Tcheungna

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