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Pumpkins and Jack O’ Lanterns. As the world celebrates Halloween, a little understanding on what goes on inside “serial killers” minds will prevent more people becoming their victims.

30 October 2012 9,520 views 2 Comments
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Pumpkins and Jack O’ Lanterns. 

A Jack O’ Lantern lit from within by a candle. The Bridge MAG image

Oh!—fruit loved of boyhood!—the old days recalling,

When wood-grapes were purpling and brown nuts were falling!

When wild, ugly faces we carved in its skin,

Glaring out through the dark with a candle within!

John Greenleaf Whittier, ‘The Pumpkin’ (1850)


Many in Britain and worldwide lay wreaths on the graves of loved ones in the grim knowledge that they were snatched from them by the terrible acts of ‘serial killers’.


We are all potential victims, no one is safe. The killer in general, and the ‘serial’ killer in particular, is our fellow primate: he can be a generous person, a friend, a member of our family, an official in a respected profession, the next door neighbour, a one night-stand encounter, a fiancé, a colleague, or a classmate; someone we have befriended, love, who has managed to gain our trust.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), together with the International Statistics on Crime and Justice, stated on its latest available data on total crime statistics by country, of May, 2011:


The United States, the United Kingdom,Germany and France were ranked the top four countries in the world list with the highest rate of criminality, holding respectively


Crime Scene Forensic Identification. The Bridge MAG image











“Ted” confessed – shortly before his execution – to 30 homicides committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978. The true total – thought to be higher – he took with him to his grave…


Most serial killers are highly charming and persuasive people – they need to be in order to manipulate and lure victims…

into a trap.



Follow the links below to read more:


















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.








  • David J Dunworth said:

    Nice piece on the All Hallows Eve. I studied the ancient
    Druids as part of my work on Ancient Celtic Philosophy at Heythrop back in the early 70’s. As far as I remember, your definition is spot on, although it has been a long time in those books.

    Memory is faded, but there was a married couple from UK that not only killed several people, they even killed one of their own children as well. Jack the Ripper isn’t the only truly famous one from England.

    Nice work. We should all learn a bit more about being aware of what goes on around us, and what to keep an eye on.

    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Dear David,

      How kind! I am puzzled by your comments.
      Wishing you a Happy Halloween.
      All the best


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