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Prostate cancer can be fatal if not diagnosed early: the second most common cause of cancer death among British men, researchers can reveal

30 April 2012 10,249 views No Comment
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Bad News Prostate Cancer diagnosed The Bridge MAG image

 A few days ago, a man whom we will call Mathew Smith walked nervously into his local clinic for a prostate cancer screening test: a couple of weeks later he walked out from the clinic dumbstruck, clutching a positive result and wondering how he was going to break the devastating news to his family.


It is believed that  we can now prevent  and overcome prostate cancer:


Mathew, aged 42, and father of three, originally from Barbados, will have to live with this tragic reality, hoping it can be treated. Understandably anxious and concerned, he told The Bridge Magazine:
“Although there is prostate cancer in my family history…

Prostate Cancer The Bridge MAG image













Follow the links below to read more:














Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.





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