Promising leader:Cracking Africa’s Mosaic of Resources.The charismatic Dr. Ousmane Biram Sané talks to The Bridge Magazine about his humanitarian program to transform Senegal, which could set a history-changing example to African leaders as to how to alleviate the Continent’s perennial problems of poverty, famine, poor health and welfare, and ever-depleting levels of native youth and talent for the emigrational pull of European opportunities.
20 October 2013
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Financial economist and money expert Dr. Ousmane Biram Sané is set to splash multi- millions of dollars in a bid to create the Senegal’s second biggest sugar company, to be based in the country’s southern region, in the county of Sédhiou, Middle Casamance, and by so doing, generating thousands of jobs.
On 14th October 2013, talking to The Bridge Magazine, Dr. Sané launched a clarion call to influential Africans across the world to return to their native continent and share in this mission to revolutionise the economic and social development of Africa:
“The time for Africa has come. For anyone who refuses to return to his or her native land after their studies abroad it could be perceived as a form of resignation and an opt-out, because the hardest challenge is to achieve things here in Africa. The continent needs more of its intellectuals and youth than any other continent in the world.”
Dr. Sané is originally from Senegal. Senegal, is a West African country that owes its name to the Sénégal River that borders the country to the East and North.
Senegal is heavily bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the West, Mauritania to the North, Mali to the East, and Guinea /Guinea-Bissau to the South. Senegal covers a land area of almost 197,000 square kilometres and has an estimated population of about 15million. The climate is tropical with two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season.
Senegal has more than 80 political parties. The country is a Republic with a presidency; the president is elected by adult voters every five years as from 2001 (previously it was every seven years).
Dr. Sané’s social, political and economic vision comprises such rights as “ freedom of speech, universal health and welfare, protection of the environment, harvested return on investment, equality and multiculturalism. For Sané, “time has come for the world to review its agenda and put forward cultural diversity, the only valuable asset that makes people respect their differences and value their complementariness. Let us establish cultural bridges for a better future for humanity”…
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