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Panic and lethargic Easter: Is history repeating itself? Is the thalidomide disaster, mostly known as the darkest episode in pharmaceutical research history, set to hit again? An extreme fear over a potential vaccination campaign in Africa to prevent a pandemic. The initial virus outbreak was in Wuhan, China, and then spread widely throughout Europe, most notably in Italy, and is becoming serious as a UK tweet denouncing a pharmaceutical façade goes viral.

20 April 2020 3,879 views No Comment
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Whilst others are taking social media by storm to showcase their bitterness, taking an excuse to say out loud sarcastic and racist sign posts such as “This virus is for humans but we are not human, why do Africans need that vaccine for?” The Bridge MAG. Image

Whilst others are taking social media by storm to showcase their bitterness, taking an excuse to say out loud sarcastic and racist sign posts such as “This virus is for humans but we are not human, why do Africans need that vaccine for?”
The Bridge MAG. Image

 It took the scientific name of a virus to make the world headlines, which then brought division and a seemingly united and advanced world to fall into a state of global paralysis and extreme fear.

Depopulation, Government mind control and conspiracy theories seem all the rage at the moment. Not only nation states are blaming each other for lack of support, but also, populations worldwide are losing faith and trust they put into their governments and pharmaceutical corporations.

Whilst others are taking social media by storm to showcase their bitterness taking an excuse to say out loud sarcastic and racist sign posts such as:

“This virus is for humans but we are not human, why do Africans need that vaccine for? … those who created a scientific name to the virus know its cure… Nasal and throat tests for Africa are already infected, it is a time of bacteriological warfare wrapped into an economic war so- what now? They want Africa without Africans”  to list a few.


A UK tweet from an English actor, John Boyega, in a bid to discourage any velleity of vaccination in Africa, stated “Africa isn’t a testing lab you pieces of s***”. The tweet had 650 000 likes and 154 000 Retweets on 19 April 2020.


John Boyega is known for playing Finn in The Star Wars sequels…


A UK tweet from an English actor, John Boyega, in a bid to discourage any velleity of vaccination in Africa, stated “Africa isn’t a testing lab you pieces of s***". The tweet had 650 000 likes and 154 000 Retweets on 19 April 2020. John Boyega is known for playing Finn in The Star Wars sequels… The Bridge MAG. Image

A UK tweet from an English actor, John Boyega, in a bid to discourage any velleity of vaccination in Africa, stated “Africa isn’t a testing lab you pieces of s***”. The tweet had 650 000 likes and 154 000 Retweets on 19 April 2020.
John Boyega is known for playing Finn in The Star Wars sequels…
The Bridge MAG. Image

It is sad to notice how a pandemic can destroy a world where all races and social etiquettes are meant to mingle and progress throughout society.

It is also a reminder of the danger of vaccinations.

Dr. Gerhard Buchwald (15 February 1920 – 19 July 2009), a German medical doctor and vaccination critic from Eisenberg, Thuringia, Germany, said in 1988: “Vaccination is not necessary, not useful, does not protect. There are twice as many casualties from vaccination as from AIDS”.


Dr Buchwald was a specialist of internal diseases and participant in about 150 trials of vaccination victims.


As previously published in one of our Health Category articles in 2016, since 1930, a core group of doctors have declared their opposition to vaccinations. But the vaccination law continues to prevail.


According to those doctors, pharmaceutical corporations would fail to make money if we all began to take control of our own health.



When it comes to vaccines, the right to choose should be recognised as a fundamental human right. Like any medicine, there is NO vaccination with zero side effects.  The Bridge MAG. Image

When it comes to vaccines, the right to choose should be recognised as a fundamental human right. Like any medicine, there is NO vaccination with zero side effects. 
The Bridge MAG. Image

Public tension and outrage is believed to have also amounted worldwide after a video shared by thousands following the alleged simultaneous deaths of seven Senegalese children who may have received the supposed vaccine occurred.


Why are people so reluctant about the alleged vaccine?


Considering the death toll in the UK and around the world, it seems illogical to test the vaccine in Africa first.

Italy should be the first country where the test should be carried out.

Also, considering the seriousness, and how the pandemic decimates populations once it strikes, it is believed the side effects of the vaccine may be worse than that of the Thalidomide and that may be the reason why the “weakest continent” where heads of state could arguably easily be silenced by funding or corruption, are the ones to turn to.


The question that burns the lips remains why? Why a smear campaign against a possible vaccine in the UK and worldwide?




The reason might be the horrific 1950s law cases against the pharmaceutical manufacturer and distributor of thalidomide in the UK and from around the world with regards to the victims. There is still a 24h Thalidomide helpline, open 365 days of the year, on a no win no fees basis.



Follow the links below to read more:
















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.





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