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Our subconscious: the bone marrow, of our existence. This season, in order to better manage the precious gift that the new year offers us of being alive and achieving remarkable goals, The Bridge Magazine shares with its readers the seven judicious tips to program our brain, transform our way of thinking in order to apprehend our creative and constructive genius to succeed in everything that we will undertake throughout the year 2021.

20 January 2021 4,510 views No Comment
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 According to scientists, the average human uses only a small percentage of their grey matter. The intelligent human develops their abilities of adaptation (which are not always purely academics) in the blink of an eye to bring out their inner genius and set themselves apart from the herd. The Bridge MAG. Image

According to scientists, the average human uses only a small percentage of their grey matter. The intelligent human develops their abilities of adaptation (which are not always purely academics) in the blink of an eye to bring out their inner genius
and set themselves apart from the herd.
The Bridge MAG. Image

It is obvious to say that 2020 was a year of despair on many fronts for most of us. However, avoiding rehashing bad memories remains the golden rule to live and fully succeed in a new year.

The life of a human being could generally be metaphorically compared to a roller coaster ride. Therefore, any time everything seems to be going smoothly and almost to  perfection  for a long period of  time, there is a good chance you are on the wrong track.

Remember Sir Winston Churchill’s famous quote “Act like it is impossible to fail.” Winston Churchill,  former British Prime Minister (1940-45; 1951-55) aka the ‘Old Lion’ whose verve of temperament, wisdom, relevance, leadership and negotiating skills, have inspired many leaders.

Excluding failure from your agenda means taking action, managing, planning, and empowering yourself to prevent any conceivable failure. Every human has the genius of programming within themselves.




The intelligent human develops their abilities of adaptations to bring out their inner genius.



The Bridge Magazine shares judicious tips to program our brain, transform our way of thinking in order to apprehend our creative and constructive genius to succeed in everything that we will undertake throughout the year 2021. The Bridge MAG. Image

The Bridge Magazine shares judicious tips to program our brain, transform our way of thinking in order to apprehend our creative and constructive genius to succeed in everything that we will undertake throughout the year 2021.
The Bridge MAG. Image


According to scientists, the average human uses only a small percentage of their grey matter. The intelligent human develops their abilities of adaptation (which are not always purely academics) in the blink of an eye to bring out their inner genius

and set themselves apart from the herd.


How to reasonably program our subconscious in 2021 to be successful in anything we will do?


Human life evolves in a chequered pattern thus varied with both good and bad periods. Failure is normal and can be instructive when we use it in a meaningful way to become successful.


We ended  2020 on a note of hope and want not only to keep this positive vibe in 2021 but above all to combine it with action to acquire and keep what we dream of.


Excluding failure from your agenda means not to rely only on a blissful optimism but also to work hard with consistency and discipline. A Blissful optimism could metaphorically be compared to a piece of diamond in the mud or baker’s flour without yeast. The Bridge MAG. Image

Excluding failure from your agenda means not to rely only on a blissful optimism but also to work hard with consistency and discipline. A Blissful optimism could metaphorically be compared to a piece of diamond in the mud or baker’s flour without yeast.
The Bridge MAG. Image

In other words, not to rely only on a blissful optimism but also to work hard with consistency and discipline. A blissful optimism could metaphorically be compared to a piece of diamond in the mud or baker’s flour without yeast.


Managing the dynamics of our thinking enables us to avoid the unconscious obstacles that may hamper the success we dream of and deserve. We must unleash the extraordinary powers of the genius of our mind, to acquire great confidence in ourselves


Uncertainty is the principle, prevention the antidote.

Always have a plan B in everything you do: never be vain or overconfident about  yourself.


Did you know? Everyone is special in their own way and has the abilities to make spectacular achievements.


Find below the seven aforementioned useful techniques that will enable  us to fully benefit from the power of our subconscious…




Follow the links below to read more:
















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.


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