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Origin. The cocoa farmer’ sorrows echo in deaf forests. But we must not kill the goose that lays the chocolate eggs.

20 March 2013 12,277 views No Comment
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 Cocoa beans in the hands of a São Tomé and Príncipe farmer. The Bridge MAG. image

The chocolate industry is set to make huge profits this Easter, just as The São Tomé and Príncipe cocoa farmers are scraping pennies together to put food on their families’ tables.


The origins of Easter can be traced to Christianity: the celebration of Christ’s rising from the tomb, and that, those who believe in Him and follow His ‘Word’ will also be spiritually resurrected into eternal life. Easter Sunday marks the end of a forty-day long period of fasting called Lent, which culminates in the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on the third day after his crucifixion.

The roots of the celebrations are diverse.  However, cultures from around the world observe spring holidays and festivals at this time of year, around the common theme of rebirth.


According to a recent report by the Nielsen Company, Easter week is the top chocolate-selling week of the year, and “Consumers are expected to buy more than £120 million – or nearly $500 million – with approximately £90 million of chocolate candy sold during the week leading up to Easter. By comparison, only £48 million of chocolate candy was sold during Valentine’s week.”


British-based Nielsen is the global leader in measurement and information, sourcing its facts and figures from 100 countries worldwide, thereby providing its business clients with the most complete understanding of consumer spending trends and patterns.


Easter is indeed the month that crowns chocolate as god of foods…




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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.





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