Orchidée’ s Cadences: The Bridge Magazine welcomes and shares a young contributor’s pieces of photography, drawing and poem all composed when she was 9 years old. It is an all in one Happy Birthday Poem to her mother, and indirectly, to all the mothers around the world.
20 October 2018
The Bridge Magazine shares a poem by a young contributor whose writing abilities were first noticed by an English poet when she was nine years old.
Awarded Young Reporter of the Year 2018 by Sutton Guardian and The Richmond Times, for publishing articles regularly for eight months, Orchidée Wafo, also known as Orchid, exclusively shares one of her poems written in 2009.
In 2009, speaking to Orchid about her poems, poet Alan Morrison said:
“I am very impressed by your grasp of language and your energy and talent at expressing yourself in words, which shows much promise for the future considering you are still at a very young age.”
Alan Morrison counts as his influences William Blake, John Keats, Emily Brontë, Thomas Hardy, John Davidson, Harold Monro, Wilfred Owen, Ivor Gurney, Alun Lewis, Dylan Thomas and W.H. Auden.
Below is Orchid’s aforementioned poem.
Dear Mum,
Our love is more powerful than anything,
Our love is pure, it is the one and only thing;
Our love is an island full of emotions,
Holds secrets yet to be discovered –devotions…
Our love is a spell that no one can shake,…
Our love is a mystery, a gift…
You are my soul, I am your body;
You help me look even when I can see,
You help me listen even when I can hear…
Follow the links below to read more:
Orchidée Wafo. The Bridge Magazine
Young Contributor . In collaboration with
Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of
The Bridge Books and
The Bridge Magazine Editor.
Impressionné suis-je.
Une inspiration de génie.
Just go ahead Orchidée.
Chèr M. Moluh,
Orchidée dit:
“Merci du fond du cœur pour vos encouragements.C’est très apprécié
Bon Dimanche à vous
Bien cordialement.”
De la part d’Orchidée Wafo
Contributrice chez The Bridge Magazine.
Chère Mme Wansi,
Orchidée dit:
“Merci infiniment pour vos mots gentils et pour vos encouragements
Excellent weekend à vous. Bien cordialement.”
De la part d’Orchidée Wafo
Contributrice chez The Bridge Magazine.