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On the Ore Regions of the Species. The ugly face of high technology and the tragedy of the modern era: the more human morality degenerates, the more the human species is endangered.

20 June 2013 5,497 views 2 Comments
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Sexual Morality and Children: The Bridge MAG. image

Sexual Morality and Children: The Bridge MAG. image

Birth rates throughout the world look set to plunge for the first time in generations as governments continue to impose remorseless austerity on nations, in turn undermining social cohesiveness and moral values, while also engaging in various wars for the earth’s diminishing resources and ignoring the ever more urgent warning signs of global climate change –all of which threatens not just the survival of our species, but of the planet itself.

In the twenty-first century, humankind appears to be caught up in a high-tech matrix of its own making, but which it is increasingly unable to control, let alone utilise for the wider benefit of the species –for instance, to raise its ethical standards and aspirations for the greater good.

The architects of modern civilisation seem at times to be a conglomerate of mad scientists, prisoners of their own inventions, still swollen with hubris as to their false mastery of a world increasingly overrun by conflicts, wars, holocausts, famines and a global decline in ethics and morality.


All these pestilences would appear to be symptoms of humankind’s perennial greed for power, wealth and domination –destructive qualities which might well accelerated its own eventual extinction if not kept in check and regulated far more rigorously for the future.


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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.






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