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Nuptials in May: As the world witnessed another British Royal Wedding, The Bridge Magazine focuses on the importance of marriage and the British Monarchy’s popularity in Europe and worldwide.

20 May 2018 11,654 views 4 Comments
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 Megan Markle and Prince Harry got married yesterday. “Love recognises no barriers…” Maya Angelo The bride and groom looking splendid together. The Bridge MAG. Image

Megan Markle and Prince Harry got married yesterday.
“Love recognises no barriers…” Maya Angelou
The bride and groom looking splendid together.
The Bridge MAG. Image

As Megan Markle and Prince Harry got married yesterday, survey feedback opinion on British Monarchy popularity in Europe and worldwide has declined.

The royal wedding is too media-saturated to ignore. However, the mainstream broadcasting media and newspapers were mostly busy focusing on irrelevant details such as Megan Markle’s ethnic origins.

Maya Angelou on love once said: “Love recognises no barriers…”


It appears that the British monarchy is making a diplomatic move to acknowledge the rise of the Pan-Africanism movement, something of which anti-monarchists in particular are taking note.


Pan-Africanism is a worldwide intellectual movement that aims to encourage and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all people of African descent.



Prince Harry gazing at his beautiful bride full of joy. The Bridge MAG. Image

Prince Harry gazing at his beautiful bride full of joy.
The Bridge MAG. Image


On the other hand, those with a more rational or factual approach believe that the British Monarchy’s popularity stems from its ability to evolve.

Firstly with Kate Middleton’s acceptance as a commoner, and now that of Megan Markle who is of part-African descent.


Sadly, very little has been said about the importance of marriage and what it actually means and its significance.


 The page boys and girls moment. The Bridge MAG. Image

Capturing the moment The Bridge MAG. Image

First glimpse at Meghan Markle now Duchess of Sussex Givenchy wedding dress designed by Claire White Keller The Bridge MAG. Image

First glimpse at Meghan Markle now Duchess of Sussex. Givenchy wedding dress designed by Clare Waight Keller
The Bridge MAG. Image

Beyond the wedding cake, royal dressage, high profile guests and a wedding certificate, why is marriage so important?…



Follow the links below to read more:





High-Profile People Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.









Global News That Never Fades: From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.












Rachel Tcheungna, 

Author, Writer of The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.





  • Mikhail said:


    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Dear Mikhail,

      Thank you for your comment.

      Greetings from The Bridge Magazine team.

      The editor,

  • Name said:

    Merci beaucoup pour cette analyse très édifiante.
    Restons vigilants panafricanistes ! Ne perdons pas le Nord!
    Bravo madame l Éditorialiste de nous faire éviter la distraction.

    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Chère Madame Wansi,

      Merci pour vos commentaires. Nous venons d’avoir un lecteur qui ne partage pas du tout votre avis.
      Nous citons le lecteur qui a voulu garder l’anonymat.” Les avis des antimonarchistes, des panafricanistes, féministes, refugiés… On s’en fout le mariage était beau c’est tout.”

      Notre réponse est la suivante : Nous n’attendons pas forcément que les avis sur un article soient uniquement positifs. Ce ne serait plus du journalisme.
      Le devoir de l’éditeur c’est de présenter les faits tels qu’ils sont, sans émotions ni parti pris. Une analyse objective en quelque sorte.

      Les avis sur un sujet peuvent être mitigés. Néanmoins, il revient au lecteur averti d’entrevoir ce que valorise notre ligne éditoriale.
      Merci de faire partie du lectorat de The Bridge Magazine.



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