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‘Mother Nature’s Masterpiece’. Orchids: all providence, treasure, grace, wellbeing, youth and natural health in one flower.

20 May 2017 5,324 views 2 Comments
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Orchids in the wild. It is a universal truth that all orchids are tropical. They are believed to be one of the ancient species of plants in the world. The Bridge MAG. image

Orchids in the wild. It is a universal truth that all orchids are tropical. They are believed to be one of the ancient species of plants in the world. The Bridge MAG. image

The orchid’s mysterious healing properties have been making headlines in recent decades.

It is a universal truth that all orchids are tropical. They are believed to be one of the ancient species of plants in the world. Over a century ago, orchid foragers often died while collecting them in jungles –but eventually, gardeners unlocked the secret of propagating wild orchids in greenhouses.

One of the most famous quotes about orchids is from Robin Miriam Carlsson: ‘The orchid is Mother Nature’s masterpiece.’

Mostly known as ‘Robyn’, Robin Miriam Carlsson is a 37 year old Swedish singer, songwriter and record producer. She is also a worldwide serial Grammy award winner.


Orchids are the most popular flowers in the world


An orchid’s ability to adapt helps it survive in different climates, mostly tropical or subtropical ones, such as in Brazil, Ecuador, Hawaii, Taiwan, and other similar regions.

Easy to crossbreed, it is estimated that there are almost 30, 000 different species of orchid throughout the world. They grow on every continent except Antarctica…




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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.













  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

    Dear Ozier,

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  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

    Dear Sknrsu,

    Thank you for comment
    Kind Regards,

    The editor

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