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Mother Nature’s Elixir: Reliance on Mother Nature’s remedies to prevent and fight infections and strengthen our immune system is soaring as the World Health Organisation’s reputation plunges.

20 May 2020 3,626 views 4 Comments
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The lemon, ginger and celery detox juice will help you get rid of toxins, and boost your immune system. The Oxford Medical Online Dictionary defines the immune system as: “The organs and processes of the body that provide resistance to infections and toxins. Organs include the thymus, bone marrow, and lymph nodes”. 
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The lemon, ginger and celery detox juice will help you get rid of toxins, and boost your immune system.
The Oxford Medical Online Dictionary defines the immune system as: “The organs and processes of the body that provide resistance to infections and toxins. Organs include the thymus, bone marrow, and lymph nodes”. 
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The World Health Organization’s reputation is at stake at this time of a world health crisis as the organisation’s impartiality has been questioned following allegations of receiving funding from the world’s richest man.

Over the last decade, Bill Gates has become the WHO’s second biggest donor after the USA. With the US and the UK threatening to cut funding if the agency doesn’t improve its investment case, this may give Bill Gates a larger influence over its agendas.

According to a source close to the WHO committee, top officials and the chief of the WHO’s malaria program once raised concerns over the way the foundation was distorting research priorities:

‘The term often used was ‘monopolistic philanthropy’, the idea that Gates was taking his approach to computers and applying it to the Gates Foundation’.


The loss of trust in the WHO has caused a stir: countries are now relying in traditional medicine to prevent and treat patients contaminated by the Wuhan virus. Malagasy President Andry Rajoelina officially launched Covid-Organics last month.


The drug has been developed by the Malagasy Institute of Applied Research.

The herbal tonic appeared to be successful as several African countries, including Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, have already ordered the tonic, which is produced from Artemisia -the source of an ingredient used in Malaria treatment- and other Malagasy plants. The plant-based tonic is given free of charge to patients.

On May 10th Felix Tih wrote on World Africa News that Senegal has join the queue of African countries using the herbal tonic quoting Senegal’s President Macky Sall:

 ‘I salute Madagascar’s efforts in the search for therapeutic solutions which Senegal is following with interest’, following Rajoelina’s announcement.




The WHO is believed to have stepped in and has issued a warning against…


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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.



  • Mkhail said:

    Bel article la nature a toujours été la source de magnifiques remèdes

    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Cher M. Mikhail, 

      Merci pour vos encouragements.
      Comme vous dites! Dame Nature est la plus talentueuse de tous les artistes. Ceci est presque un leitmotiv chez The Bridge Magazine.
Nous essayons quand c’est opportun, de faire un contrepoids à la désinformation afin de permettre aux lecteurs de mieux appréhender les réalités du monde contemporain.
      A titre d’information, grâce aux fidèles lecteurs comme vous, le taux de circulation
de The Bridge Magazine est en parfaite santé.
A tous les lecteurs aux quatre coins du monde, toute l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine vous exprime sa gratitude.

      Bien cordialement,



    Merci RACHEL pour cet article qui met un accent sur le système immunitaire dont les médias ne parlent pas. TOUT EST DANS LA NATURE.

    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Cher M. DEUMO,

      Merci à vous pour le temps et l’énergie que vous avez consacré à l’article.

      Merci pour votre messages de soutien et d’encouragement. A tous les lecteurs des cinq continents

      toute l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine vous exprime sa gratitude.

      Bien cordialement,


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