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Mix and Match on Valentine’s Day. Complementary personalities and sexual chemistry are believed to be the two main keys to love compatibility. This Valentine’s Day might be a time to reflect on your relationship and ask yourself how compatible you and your other half really are.

20 February 2015 11,493 views 2 Comments
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There is a spark on the couple’s faces. Amal and George Clooney are in love. The Bridge MAG Image

There is a spark on the couple’s faces. Amal and George Clooney are in love.  The Bridge MAG Image

When an eligible New York bachelor decided to settle down by marrying a clever young human rights lawyer it made the world headlines.


Amal Clooney might be smart, powerful, and self-sufficient, but pictures speak for themselves: there is a spark on the couple’s faces. They are in love.  If George Clooney has been waiting for so long, he was probably still looking for someone whose personality matches his. Proving once more that love is not only lust. It is   much more about cerebral and behavioural connections.


According to the anthropologist and love expert, Dr Helen Fisher, on the mysteries of love:  “The success or failure of any relationship will depend to a great extent on how our dominating personality traits match, meet or clash with those of our partner.”


Whether for celebrities, or ordinary couples, true love is a complex mixture of personality. The Bridge MAG Image
Whether for celebrities, or ordinary couples, true love is a complex mixture of personality. The Bridge MAG Image


In other words, whether for celebrities, or ordinary couples, true love is a complex mixture of personality, circumstance, childhood, and schedule: those little things that make some relationships work better than others.

After this Valentine, ask yourself …


Below are a few descriptions of each personality type from Dr … test.




Follow the links below to read more:














Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.






  • David J Dunworth said:

    Nice piece Rachel,

    While I can no longer say that this topic makes much relevance to me, I do believe that George finally found what he had been holding out so long for.

    Perhaps if I looked more like him and a lot less than I do, perhaps I could have held out and found someone that looked a bit like her. But I don’t.

    Ah, the beautiful people.

    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Thanks for your kind words David,

      Beautiful couple indeed. But there is no need to worry about looking more or less like George or Amal. You are a bit of George in your own right. It is just a state of mind really.

      Have a great weekend

      Very best


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