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Mistletoe and Mines. Merry Christmas to the children in war zones II.

12 December 2012 4,071 views No Comment
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Soldier at war. The Bridge MAG image

As the mainstream media is dominated by Western-centric news, spin, public relations and business interests, children in war zones throughout the world might well suffer another Christmas of bloodshed.

Christmas is associated with Jesus’ birtha fulfilment of the Old Testament messianic prophecy – and is equally associated with children and family festivities.

But even Christmas cannot ensure respite from the horrific realities of war and lawlessness for tens of thousands of children worldwide who being brutally exploited, abducted, abused, raped, used as child soldiers, and killed in armed conflicts.


According to UNICEF, the use of child soldiers is an affront to humanity. In March 2012, the aforementioned non governmental agency published shocking facts and figures on the impact of armed conflicts on children:


“It is estimated today that as many as 250,000 child soldiers – some as young as eight years old – are involved in more than 20 conflicts around the world. Children are used as combatants, messengers, spies, porters, cooks, and girls in particular are forced to perform sexual services. Some are forcibly recruited or abducted; others are driven to join in order to escape poverty, abuse and discrimination”.


According to…


But how deep and genuine is our concern about infant suffering and deaths in armed conflicts throughout the world? Children’s rights to peaceful upbringings should matter to all of us, whether in our own countries or in others.



Follow the links below to read more:















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.





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