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Length Isn’t Everything! From a healthy life style to Penoplasty, or penis enlargement, beauty and health is no longer women’s preserve only. Men are almost equally competing with women when it comes to how much they spend on looking and feeling good, according to a recent poll.

19 May 2015 9,590 views No Comment
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A charming and healthy Anglo Indian man. The Bridge MAG. Image

A charming and healthy Anglo Indian man. The Bridge MAG. Image

Men in UK and from around the world are increasingly spending almost as much as women on beauty products, fashion and cosmetic surgery, says Poll.

Women spend an average of £2,462 a year on beauty products and fashionable clothes, the study for online casino RoxyPalace.com found.

Men, meanwhile, were revealed to spend £1,786 on average on male grooming products and frocks and clothing, in average only £50 less per month than women.

However, the most unexpected is just how close their average spending is to that of women, something which wouldn’t have been the case a decade ago.


A healthy lifestyle remains key.

There is no need to go to extreme lengths to look good and healthy. Being intelligent about what you eat, and a healthy sex life, will help you to decrease your fat percentage and increase muscle mass, enabling you to stay healthy and energetic.

When it comes to men’s health and wellbeing, listening to Mother Nature is till the secret. Part of The Bridge Magazine’s editorial ethos is Mother nature is the most talented artist of them all!


Recommend foods that preserve men’s health, beauty and wellbeing


Smoked salmon…




A healthy and good-looking Franco Senegalese gentleman. The Bridge MAG. Image

A healthy and good-looking Franco Senegalese gentleman. The Bridge MAG. Image



Penoplasty – or penis enlargement is a life-changing operation. THINK! Botched poenoplasty can disable you sexually for the rest of your life. The Bridge MAG. Image

Penoplasty – or penis enlargement is a life-changing operation. THINK! Botched poenoplasty can disable you sexually for the rest of your life. The Bridge MAG. Image

Sex life

Penoplasty – or penis enlargement

David Mills, managing director of Mills Medical Services, recently confirmed that the business is booming: “Penoplasty – or penis enlargement – is the most popular operation we perform.”


A cute and healthy black African man. The Bridge MAG. Image

A cute and healthy black African man. The Bridge MAG. Image

Being charming, virile or powerful … According to the Centres for Disease Control, there is a strong association …


Rule number one:




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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.









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