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Kukkle.com and The Bridge Magazine welcome Los Angeles professional choreographer John Jacobson for a Father’s Day special

15 June 2012 6,427 views 2 Comments
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Personalised greeting card company kukkle.com, and The Bridge Magazine, are to make Father’s Day 2012 one of the most memorable celebrations ever as they welcome the contribution of eminent US choreographer, John Jacobson.

Los Angeles professional choreographer John Jacobson The Bridge MAG image

Whereas Mother’s Day has traditionally always been given much attention, its paternal equivalent has been relatively neglected over the past decades.



On Thursday June 13,  2012, in an exclusive interview with The Bridge Magazine, our special guest on behalf of




kukkle .com, Mr Jacobson, said it was a shame that Father’s Day has so often been overshadowed by Mother’s Day.




The music educator and author, best known for his 5.3 million hits  internet dance routine ‘Double Dream Hands!’ is determined to revolutionise the way Father’s Day is celebrated in the UK and worldwide, through his unique dance choreography.


But first, where does the Father’s Day originate from?


According to the Urban Online Dictionary, Father’s Day exists thanks to one Louise Sonora Smart Dodd from Spokane in Washington.


In 1910, Dodd suggested to her minister that a day be set aside for honouring fathers. Her own father, a veteran of the American Civil War, raised his six children on the family farm by himself, after his wife died in childbirth.


The Ministerial Association and the Spokane YMCA both picked up on the idea, and in 1924 Father’s Day received the support of President Calvin Coolidge. But it wasn’t until 1966 that a presidential proclamation established the official date for Father’s Day as the third Sunday in June.


It seems unfair that fathers have gained relatively less celebratory attention than mothers throughout the years. Fathers contribute equally, even more so in some cases and give endless love, to mothers providing for and bringing up their children.

This is the reason why it seems symbolically important to reinvigorate Father’s Day, and 2012’s looks set to be a very special occasion indeed.

John Jacobson explained to The Bridge Magazine…




Follow the links below to read more:
















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.






  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

    Many thanks for your comment

    With best regards

  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

    Dear Jessele,

    Many thanks for your prompt reply and kind word.
    With best regards.

    The editor

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