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Just like Dexter, you can still control your weight even if your job involves driving, flying, or working in front of your computer all day.

31 May 2012 34,186 views No Comment
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Mediteranean diet The Bridge MAG image

Dexter, a good-looking young man, was yesterday concerned about his weight after struggling to slip into his blue jeans a few weeks ago. He was later advised by one of his colleagues, Cindy, to follow the celebrities’ best-kept diet secret: the ‘Dukan Diet’.


Doing a job that involves sitting all day either in a car, plane, or in front of a computer, can frequently be health-threatening. So how to avoid gaining weight when your daily activities are sedentary?
“Although enjoying my job, which is well paid, challenging and exciting,” says Dexter, “I have noticed I have put on weight: my friends and colleagues were prompt to bring that to my attention. Even if they said I still look cute; I know I used to look fitter and cuter.”


The Dukan rapid-weight-loss plan is the eponymous brainchild of Parisian general practitioner, Dr Pierre Dukan…

Dexter told us: “I have regained my confidence. I feel in better shape, I feel much stronger, healthier and fit. I will strongly recommend the Mediterranean diet to anyone willing to look and stay healthier after a weight loss programme”.


Fit built woman measuring her waist                                                    The Bridge MAG image











Follow the links below to read more:















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.










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