In George Floyd’s Memory The Bridge Magazine shares an opinion piece from its young contributor Orchidée Wafo about racial discrimination, and most importantly, the Government’s involvement as the sole contributor and generator of perpetuating inequality and racial division worldwide.
20 June 2020

In George Floyd’s Memory: Observational drawing of George Floyd by Orchidée Wafo. The Bridge Magazine Young Contributor.
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The Black Lives Matter protest in Central London gathered thousands of people to condemn the killing of a black man by a white officer in Minneapolis USA.
According to the main stream media George Floyd was killed by a policeman as he allegedly tried to use forged documents at a local deli. It is believed by many that George Floyd’s was murdered because his skin was the wrong colour:
In the UK, John Venables was given a brand new identity for his rehabilitation over James Bulger’s killing. By contrast, George Floyd was killed within minutes by a brutal policeman live on camera. He was unarmed.The disparity in terms of legal treatment and judgement is trivial. The injustice is unequivocal.

Under 12 hours following the unjust murder of George Floyd, the Justice League, Anonymous, swore revenge and unleashed secret files compromising the untouchables.
The Bridge MAG. Image
Under 12 hours following the unjust murder of George Floyd, the Justice League, Anonymous, swore revenge and unleashed secret files compromising the untouchables stating:
“The whole world is overdue for a completely new system of governance […] We are legion, we are anonymous, we do not forgive, we do not forget, expect us”
Anonymous has over 6 million followers on Twitter.
Below is The Bridge Magazine’s aforementioned young contributor’s lengthy opinion:
As a reminder, Orchidée Wafo was awarded Young Reporter of the Year 2018 by The Sutton Guardian and The Richmond Times for publishing articles regularly for eight months, and also has a keen talent at writing poetry from the age of 9, something first spotted by poet Alan Morrison.
On June 1ST , speaking to The Bridge Magazine, Orchid stated:

“We support the weak against the powerful and stand for justice. Our values are the following:
– Human rights.
– Autonomy & self-governance.
– Resistance against tyranny.
– A more humane society.
– Actions Not Nouns.” Anonymous
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Follow the links below to read more:
Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of
The Bridge Books and
The Bridge Magazine Editor.
In collaboration with Orchidée Wafo
The Bridge Magazine Young Contributor
Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of
The Bridge Books and
The Bridge Magazine Editor.
In collaboration with Orchidée Wafo:
The Bridge Magazine young contributor.
Belle reflexion avec de profondeur comme d’habitude.
Cher M. Mikhael,
Merci à vous pour le temps et l’énergie que vous avez consacré à l’article.
Quand l’injustice devient la norme, trouver des mots pour tout dénoncer avec véhémence, devient une obligation.
Merci de vous pencher sur votre clavier pour nous faire parvenir vos messages de soutien et d’encouragement.
Merci également à tous les lecteurs des cinq continents qui nous ont permis de faire grandir ce journal.
Avec toute la gratitude de toute l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine.