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High – Profile Student: Catching up with Orchidée Wafo The Bridge Magazine Young Contributor. In an Exclusive interview with its young contributor, the youngest ever to feature under our High- Profile people category, The now LLM Law Masters / LPC Postgraduate Student and Corporate Lawyer to be shares her experience along with top tips for students worldwide to prepare for the upcoming academic year after UK biggest ever failure in top A-level grades.

20 September 2022 19,652 views 2 Comments
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Anger and despair for COVID , Global Economic Recession and  Russian-Ukraine war Generation, following lowest GCSE and A Levels results leaving thousands of students battling for university places this academic year.


In our back to school exclusive interview, the 21 year old Postgraduate Law student provides top tips advise to nursery, primary, high school pupils and undergraduate students in UK and worldwide on how to hit a high success rate for the upcoming academic year.                   



This season at The Bridge Magazine, back to school. Our editorial welcomes a High- Profile Student. The Bridge MAG. Image

This season at The Bridge Magazine, back to school. Our editorial welcomes a High- Profile Student.
The Bridge MAG. Image


Key data in this year ‘s A level results raises eyebrows: “The proportion of candidates receiving top grades has fallen from last year with 36.4 % of entries awarded an A or A*, DOWN FROM 44.8%  in 2021…”



 High - Profile Student: Catching up with The Bridge Magazine Young Contributor. Your best achievement? “Graduating from my Law Degree with a high grade. I was proud of myself in terms of my academic life because I felt like I belonged to a part of history in my university and in the world of graduates. “ Orchidée Wafo The Bridge MAG. Image

The Barbican Centre.  High  – Profile Student: Catching up with The Bridge Magazine Young Contributor. Your best achievement?
“Graduating from my Law Degree with a high grade. I was proud of myself in terms of my academic life because I felt like I belonged to a part of history in my university and in the world of graduates. “ Orchidée Wafo
The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée Wafo is currently a Legal Practice Course Postgraduate Student and Corporate Lawyer to be  in a high ranking University in London/ UK. 


She has never retaken a class, has consistently achieved outstanding results throughout her studies and is willing to provide advice to students on how to hit a high success rate for the academic year.


Orchidée is fully bilingual she can read write and speak in both French and English since/from an early age 3.



In an Exclusive interview with its young contributor, the youngest ever to feature under our High- Profile people category, The now LLM Law Masters / LPC Postgraduate Student and Corporate Lawyer to be shares her experience along with top tips for students worldwide to prepare for the upcoming academic year after UK biggest ever failure in top A-level grades. The Bridge MAG. Image

In an Exclusive interview with its young contributor, the youngest ever to feature under our High- Profile people category, The now LLM Law Masters / LPC Postgraduate Student and Corporate Lawyer to be shares her experience along with top tips for students worldwide to prepare for the upcoming academic year after UK biggest ever failure in top A-level grades.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Although she was born in the UK, she has also studied in France first in a French nursery in the 16th arrondissement of Paris . École Maternelle Française Chardon Lagache  du 16e

arrondissement de Paris and in a French private school :École Internationale Léonard de Vinci de Fontainebleau in France.                                                                                                                 Before coming back to the UK to continue her studies of GCSE,  A Level and university of which during  her GCSE, and A Level she chose French as one of modules and she achieved outstanding  grades of A and A*.                                                                                                                                                                              


Orchidée, also known as Orchid, has kept the rhythm of her academic dedication and consistency: she has been a bright undergraduate law student who continues to achieve outstanding marks in most of her subjects.



Orchidée shares a childhood picture with her father. Mr JP WAFO. It is believed she was around nine to 10 months old. The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée shares a childhood picture with her father. Mr JP WAFO.
It is believed she was around seven to 8 months old.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Find below the written interview with Orchidée who has been The Bridge Magazine  young contributor for more than a decade.



1 – Our editorial once offered you an interview after your A Level results for one of our back to school monthly publication. You declined the offer why?  And why now?


I was too busy trying to secure myself academically into the world. Now that I have partially achieved where I see myself (as I have already graduated as an undergraduate and now I am currently a post grad student in Law the LPC) I feel more accomplished, proud, content and I feel like I have enough academic merit to share my student lifestyle/ experience with others, with the world.




Orchidée shares another childhood pictures. The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée shares another childhood picture.
The Bridge MAG. Image

2-  Can you share your best childhood memory or memories with us?



My best childhood memory I would say is watching all the Barbie movies and eating several snacks my mum makes namely mangos, cakes, biscuits along with my favourite fruit juice in cartoons.



I would feel so happy-it really is such a precious beautiful memory before life as a young adult/teenager kicked in.



Orchidee age 2 Orchidée shares another childhood picture. The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidee age 2 and half.
Orchidée shares another childhood picture.
The Bridge MAG. Image

3-  What are your  three top tips for a successful academic year? Why  are they your top tips, can you be more explicit please?



My top  three  tips for a successful academic year are:


a) -1 Find your study habits and revision style, ask for past papers, ask teachers, lecturers.


I say this because everyone is different so it is much better to find your style right from the get go whether it is post it notes, saying things orally or using pictures whatever suits you best do it, create a routine throughout the year.



Orchidée age 3 Orchidée is fully bilingual she can read write and speak in both French and English since/from an early age 3. Although she was born in the UK, she has also studied in France first in a French nursery :École Maternelle Française du 16e arrondissement à Paris à l’École Maternelle Chardon Lagache in the 16th arrondissement. The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée age 3
Orchidée is fully bilingual she can read write and speak in both French and English since/from an early age 3. Although she was born in the UK, she has also studied in France first in a French nursery :École Maternelle Française du 16e arrondissement à Paris à l’École Maternelle Chardon Lagache in the 16th arrondissement.
The Bridge MAG. Image

This is my first top tip as from the start I realised that the cycle of repetition/note taking worked with me best . The  reason it worked with me best is because my grades and outcomes in tests were much better when I used the note taking ,repetitive method then when I would use flashcards or pictures for example.

That is the origin story of how I realised which revision style/study method was better suited to me which also made me achieve a higher outcome regarding my exams.


I also believe past papers are also key to academic success . Why ? Because the more you practice the better you get at noticing exam patterns:

meaning, the word choice difference between the question,  seeking for a short or long answer for example.

Or you will feel less nervous in terms of how to answer specific types of questions whether it be multiple choice, essay, formulas etc.


So it is  almost as if you have a starter practice pack stored in your memory, which prepares you for the real thing.



Orchidée shares a snap of her study desk. Orchidée Wafo is currently a Law Practice Course Postgraduate Student and Corporate Lawyer to be in a high ranking University in London/ UK. She has never retaken a class, has consistently achieved outstanding results throughout her studies and is willing to provide advice to students on how to hit a high success rate for the academic year. The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée shares a snap of her study desk.
Orchidée Wafo is currently a Legal  Practice Course Postgraduate Student and Corporate Lawyer to be in a high ranking University in London/ UK. She has never retaken a class, has consistently achieved outstanding results throughout her studies and is willing to provide advice to students on how to hit a high success rate for the academic year.
The Bridge MAG. Image

I have also mentioned asking your teachers/lecturers for help as if you notice that a particular area of a subject you struggle in does not have practice questions or past papers ask your teachers to create some for you as for me that was of immense help during my  GCSE and  A level English literature ang language exams back when I was in high school.


I took the initiative to ask my English Literature teachers to give me practice essay questions.


I would do as much as possible just to maximise my chances in terms of expanding my horizons of what exam style question could pop up even where I was not too comfortable, I would still attempt and when I would get a grade back, I looked at the feedback.   I would use the advice to improve and by so doing , I ending up getting an A  and an A * in my English Literature   GCSE  and A level exams results.

b) 2-Create timetables/organisation/planning time management



Orchid age 9. ‘Her posture has it one may say’ . Orchid, having her primary school picture taken which resembles a professional Law firm picture. The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchid age 9.
‘Her posture has it one may say’ . Orchid, having her primary school picture taken which resembles a professional Law firm picture. She landed her third important role as narrator in her primary school in The Christmas Carol play of  Mr Ebenezer Scrooge.
The Bridge MAG. Image

As a student,  it is essential to attain the skill of time management in order to avoid or

prevent academic chaos ,by which I mean having clashing lecture days at university  for instance, and you have not used your time wisely to look at your modules and prioritise what needs to be done first.

Again, time management tactics depend on each person. Use what method suits you best.

I would make a weekly to do list along with diary entries whether it be in my notes App on my iPhone or in my calendar.


 (That way, I feel secure and at ease  that academically wise I have things under control and planned prep and in order).



Orchid ‘The performer ‘ Age 4. Landing her first important role in her school Christmas play as Rudolph ‘Ralph The Reindeer ‘. The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchid ‘The performer ‘
Age 4. Landing her first important role in her school Christmas Carol play as Rudolph ‘Ralph The Reindeer ‘.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Organisation is key as it allows you to achieve and execute several goals /milestones which might be leading up to a big important exam.

So it is crucial that the weeks/months leading up to the big final exam even from the jump of the start of the year it is vital to create some sort of timetable which clearly maps out mini to do lists and or maps out which subject you have so that you feel prepared and safe from stress.


c) 3- Persevere


Having a mind-set of steel and persevering is also crucial to being able to academically achieve what you desire.



Orchid left ‘ The ballet dancer ‘2 years old and half Orchid right ‘ The solo singer ’ as : Alisha Dixon ‘ Breath slow’ in a school talent show at year 7. Landing her second important role in her primary school talent show . “ My best childhood memory... I would feel so happy-it really is such a precious beautiful memory before life as a young adult/teenager kicked in.” Orchidée Wafo. The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchid left ‘ The ballet dancer ‘2 years old and half
Orchid right ‘ The solo singer ’ as : Alisha Dixon ‘ Breath slow’ in a school talent show at  age 7.  Landing her second important role in her primary school talent show .
“ My best childhood memory… I would feel so happy-it really is such a precious beautiful memory before life as a young adult/teenager kicked in.” Orchidée Wafo.
The Bridge MAG. Image

As the key is that whatever the outcome, keep trying and asking on how to improve.


Always look at your feedback and try to really understand/ follow what is being asked from you to move up a grade for instance.


Student life can be really hard whether it be fatigue, academic burn out, stress, feeling uncertain.

Therefore, perseverance is important because as a student you come from so far so just that little extra step will secure your future.


Orchidée shares some of her favourite toys .
The Bridge MAG. Image

For me , persevering has helped massively in two key instances one was during my English Literature days when I was eager to demarcate myself and bridge the gap between a  B level grade essay and an A standard essay



4-  Tell us about your high and lows as a student


Some of my highs were graduating from my undergraduate Bachelor of Honours Law Degree in July 2022  as I felt accomplished and having academic merit because I worked really hard to get where I am today.



Orchidée shares another childhood picture. The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée shares another childhood picture at the funfair,
The Bridge MAG. Image

Another of my highs was getting an A and an A* in my English Literature and English Language GCSE and A level exams because I really enjoyed studying Shakespeare.

Therefore, I felt proud and honoured that I translated my understating of one of the worlds influential English play writers onto paper.

I felt like I gave him a great tribute as not everyone has the opportunity or the  luxury of studying in the world even if certain subjects are of interest or a passion to them.


One of my lows was retaking my maths GCSE  exams as I am not the best at coping with failure.

Although I passed the second time round, at first, I was disappointed with myself because I do not like failing in whatever it maybe, and maths was the only module I ever retook in my entire student academic course/career till now.


5- What makes you sad or happy?


Orchidée shares another childhood picture. The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée shares another childhood picture.
The Bridge MAG. Image

One thing that makes me sad is tragedies whether it be in films like in the Godfather III or Greek tragedies like in Shakespeare’s plays which is one thing he is famous for as seen in Romeo and Juliet.


Things that make me happy are food, shopping, fashion (colour coordinating an outfit or planning outfits for special occasions) and celebrations whether it be birthdays, attending weddings or attending museums art galleries or botanical exposées.



6- Your best achievement


Graduating from my Law Degree with a high grade.  I was proud of myself in terms of my academic life because I felt like I belonged to a part of history in my university and in the world of graduates.



7- What are your hobbies and why?



Orchidée shares another childhood picture. The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée shares another childhood picture.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Art. I love the process of putting colour to paper regardless of what medium I use whether it is chalk paint biro,  felt tip pens, oil painting.


Being able to create something which was once an empty canvas brings me joy and a sense of satisfaction that I cannot acquire from  elsewhere.


Fashion.  I enjoy the process of feeling good and cross referencing from fashion mood boards or runways  such as:   Vogue or Versace runways in the 90s.


Travel . Travelling is a beauty. I would say it is mental photography of art because our brains capture and store  the best bits of our travels.




Orchidée shares another childhood picture. The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée shares another childhood picture.
The Bridge MAG. Image

For me I remember the boat trips in Venice, the fashion icons and haute couture in Paris, the fresh air beautiful weather, stunning wildlife and  delicious food in Cameroon.

All our sense come alive when we travel as we are not accustomed to that country or region,  so we are open to trying new things in order to create memories which our brains and all our senses enjoy .


Movies. I love movies because they tell a story in video form and capture iconic phrases, setting structure or outfits like in Godfather trilogy , Scarface, Maze Runner,  Barbie movies or Twilight trilogy.



Orchid, ‘ The artist ‘ Observational oil painting Left the original Right a copy (Orchidee’s version at age 16 ) What are your hobbies and why? “Art. I love the process of putting colour to paper regardless of what medium I use whether it is chalk paint biro felt tip pens, oil painting . Being able to create something which was once an empty canvas brings me joy and a sense of satisfaction that I cannot acquire from elsewhere.” Orchidée Wafo The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchid, ‘ The artist ‘
Observational oil painting Left the original Right a copy (Orchidée’s version at age 16 )
What are your hobbies and why?
“Art. I love the process of putting colour to paper regardless of what medium I use whether it is chalk paint biro felt tip pens, oil painting . Being able to create something which was once an empty canvas brings me joy and a sense of satisfaction that I cannot acquire from elsewhere.” Orchidée Wafo
The Bridge MAG. Image

The artistic form that movies create is out of this world.

It forever fascinates me that some humans have  such gift and skills  at knowing what aesthetic to use to depict a certain era like in

The  Notebook for example. Or knowing what outfits actors would wear like in House of The Dragon and The  Rings of Power for instance. It really is mind blowing and elite.



8- Is there a link/secret to academic success?



Orchid, ‘ The artist ‘ Observational oil painting Left the original Right a copy (Orchidee’s version at age 16 ) What are your hobbies and why? “Art. I love the process of putting colour to paper regardless of what medium I use whether it is chalk paint biro felt tip pens, oil painting . Being able to create something which was once an empty canvas brings me joy and a sense of satisfaction that I cannot acquire from elsewhere.” Orchidée Wafo The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchid, ‘ The artist ‘
Observational oil painting Left the original Right a copy (Orchidee’s version at age 16 )
What are your hobbies and why?
“Art. I love the process of putting colour to paper regardless of what medium I use whether it is chalk paint biro felt tip pens, oil painting . Being able to create something which was once an empty canvas brings me joy and a sense of satisfaction that I cannot acquire from elsewhere.” Orchidée Wafo
The Bridge MAG. Image

The link is that within academic life one must also combine leisure into their lifestyle so life does not become too monotonous or  a chore.

In my case for instance when I had finished studying, I would watch Vogue runway shows or Teen Wolf or Winx or whatever series/show/movie I liked so I have something to look forward to after I worked.


I would also say choose modules you enjoy, have an interest in or are passionate about so at some point, the idea of dropping off school OR university does not ever cross your mind.



Orchid, ‘ The artist ‘ Observational oil painting Left the original Right a copy (Orchidee’s version at age 16 ) What are your hobbies and why? “Art. I love the process of putting colour to paper regardless of what medium I use whether it is chalk paint biro felt tip pens, oil painting . Being able to create something which was once an empty canvas brings me joy and a sense of satisfaction that I cannot acquire from elsewhere.” Orchidée Wafo The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchid, ‘ The artist ‘
Observational oil painting  a copy (Orchidee’s version at age 16 )
What are your hobbies and why?
“Art. I love the process of putting colour to paper regardless of what medium I use whether it is chalk paint biro felt tip pens, oil painting . Being able to create something which was once an empty canvas brings me joy and a sense of satisfaction that I cannot acquire from elsewhere.” Orchidée Wafo
The Bridge MAG. Image

In our academic lives we have the option of choosing subjects we wish to study. In my case I have had that option for GCSE ,A levels and even currently at university.


So as I knew physics and chemistry are not my favourite , I did not chose them for A levels.  I choose politics, French , English literature … instead so I went down an essay based route.


Therefore several factors tie in academic success . It  is not just studies:  you must enjoy and find time to enjoy other aspects of life whatever that may be.



9- What are the few countries you have already been to? 



Italy, Cameroon, France, Belgium, Germany …



Orchidee ‘ The fashionista ‘ What are your hobbies and why? “Fashion. I enjoy the process of feeling good and cross referencing from fashion mood boards or runways such as: vogue or Versace runways in the 90s. “Orchidée Wafo The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée  at 20 ‘ The fashionista ‘
What are your hobbies and why?
“Fashion. I enjoy the process of feeling good and cross referencing from fashion mood boards or runways such as: Vogue or Versace runways in the 90s. “Orchidée Wafo
The Bridge MAG. Image

What did you find specific and enjoy about each of them ?


It varies from food, fashion, scenery, aesthetic, traditions , architecture …


I must say. I particularly love France housing architecture it is very classy and graceful from the details on the windows to the roofing : simply elite.


And I also particularly love Cameroonian food it is so fresh ,delicious ,organic and exquisitely seasoned .



10- What is or are your favourite colours and why?



Orchidee ‘ The fashionista ‘ What are your hobbies and why? “Fashion. I enjoy the process of feeling good and cross referencing from fashion mood boards or runways such as: vogue or Versace runways in the 90s. “Orchidée Wafo The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée age 20  ‘ The fashionista ‘
What are your hobbies and why?
“Fashion. I enjoy the process of feeling good and cross referencing from fashion mood boards or runways such as: Vogue or Versace runways in the 90s. “Orchidée Wafo
The Bridge MAG. Image

Pink, White,  orange


Pink:  because it is  a pretty and elegant colour  and on the colour spectrum it can be worn for any occasion and it comes in so many shades such as :  fuchsia, baby pink,  blue pink , etc.


 It is so sexy, yet soft and demure to the eyes. 



White:  because it has the crisp clean soothing finish, whether it be on nails or  dresses .


Orange:  because it is  vibrant and seems joyous and exciting like it almost has a life story of being so warm and welcoming .



Orchid ‘The bad loser ‘ “One of my lows was retaking my maths GCSE exams as I am not the best at coping with failure. Although I passed the second time round, at first, I was disappointed with myself because I do not like failing in whatever it maybe, and maths was the only module I ever retook in my entire student academic course/career till now.” Orchidée Wafo The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchid age 20 ‘The bad loser ‘
“One of my lows was retaking my maths GCSE exams as I am not the best at coping with failure. Although I passed the second time round, at first, I was disappointed with myself because I do not like failing in whatever it maybe, and maths was the only module I ever retook in my entire student academic course/career till now.” Orchidée Wafo
The Bridge MAG. Image

11-  What types of extracurricular activities was you involved in? 


Athletics relays 200m and occasionally 100m ( I won a silver medal for the London Borough of sports for the youth in primary school at age 9)














Horse riding


Martial arts for a year between age 6 and 7


Fashion as in watching runway shows or getting inspiration from Pinterest 


Watching movies and or TV series




12- Describe yourself in few words 



 Orchidée age 21 ‘ The studious ‘ “ As a student, it is essential to attain the skill of time management in order to avoid or prevent academic chaos… Having a mind-set of steel and persevering is also crucial … Another of my highs was getting an A and an A* in my English Literature and English Language GCSE and A level exams because I really enjoyed studying Shakespeare. Therefore, I felt proud and honoured that I translated my understating of one of the worlds influential English play writers onto paper. I felt like I gave him a great tribute as not everyone has the opportunity or the luxury of studying in the world even if certain subjects are of interest or a passion to them. “ Orchidée Wafo The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée age 21 ‘ The studious ‘
“ As a student, it is essential to attain the skill of time management in order to avoid or prevent academic chaos…
Having a mind-set of steel and persevering is also crucial …
Another of my highs was getting an A and an A* in my English Literature and English Language GCSE and A level exams because I really enjoyed studying Shakespeare. Therefore, I felt proud and honoured that I translated my understating of one of the worlds influential English play writers onto paper. I felt like I gave him a great tribute as not everyone has the opportunity or the luxury of studying in the world even if certain subjects are of interest or a passion to them. “ Orchidée Wafo
The Bridge MAG. Image

Ha ha ha!  What a funny question in terms of I have to self-reflect on who I am as a person which is funny as most of my life teachers and

lecturers almost assign you particular skills or traits so it amuses me when I must do it myself and not from an academic point of view.


Be that as it may I would say  I am a planner kind of reserved , creative and joyous person.




13-  What is your favourite food? Drink and desert? 



Tough because I love everything my mum cooks or Everything, I cook but: 



Drink: apple juice, mango, a specific white wine and  grape juice. 

Favourite food: prawns, smoked salmon, mozerrella fried plantain mango, several Cameroonian traditional dishes .


Dessert: cinnamon roll or chocolate fudge cake or mango or Haagen-Dazs ice cream 




Orchidée ‘The explorer ‘ What are your hobbies and why? “Travel . Travelling is a beauty. I would say it is mental photography of art because our brains capture and store the best bits of our travels… All our sense come alive when we travel...” Orchidée Wafo The Bridge MAG. Image

Orchidée ‘The explorer ‘
What are your hobbies and why?
“Travel . Travelling is a beauty. I would say it is mental photography of art because our brains capture and store the best bits of our travels… All our sense come alive when we travel…” Orchidée Wafo
The Bridge MAG. Image

14-  You seem to enjoy wild life nature documentaries what is your favourite animal and why? 

I absolutely love them indeed especially Sir  David Attenborough documentaries   shows are  spectacular 


My favourite animal would be felines either tigers or black Panther or caracal.  There is something majestic , extremely beautiful and mysterious about them which draws you in. 



More childhood picture Orchidée age 4 attending a wedding ceremony abroad. The Bridge MAG. Image

More childhood picture Orchidée age 4 attending a wedding ceremony abroad.
The Bridge MAG. Image

As a reminder, Sir David Frederick Attenborough is an English broadcaster, biologist, natural historian and author.


Thank you, Orchid, for giving us the opportunity to interview you,  for giving us your time and sharing insightful advice on your academic prowess  and lifestyle experience.



As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 10th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution. The Bridge MAG. Image

As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 10th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.
The Bridge MAG. Image

As a follow up and update of  The Bridge Magazine’s 10th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.



Follow the links below to purchase one or various of The Bridge Books. 





1)  Global News That Never Fades: From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






2) Beauty, Health and Wellbeing Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






3) Education Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives






  4)  Love and Relationship Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives






5)    True Crimes and Prevention Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives






6) Economy and Investment Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





7) Soft & Hard News Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





8) Urban Legend Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives






9) High-Profile People Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives






10) Arts and Culture Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives






11) Travel & Tourism Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





12) Politics Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.













Rachel Tcheungna, 

Author, Writer of The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.



  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear All,

    A massive thank you for all your comments that I receive everyday regarding my articles.
    Just to note: if I do not reply to your comments individually it is because there is an overload of comments in my dashboard but I do see all your feedback and comments and we, the team at The Bridge Magazine ?️? are eternally grateful.

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor ?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Chers tous, chères toutes,

    Un immense merci pour tous vos commentaires et mots d’encouragement que je reçois tous les jours concernant mes articles. C’est fort apprécié.
    Juste pour vous dire : si je ne réponds pas à vos commentaires individuellement, c’est parce qu’il y a une avalanche de milliers de commentaires au quotidien dans mon tableau de bord. Je vous rassure que je vois toutes vos mises à jour et tous vos commentaires et nous, l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine ?️? vous en sommes éternellement reconnaissants.
    Bien cordialement,

    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

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