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Health is and remains humans most valuable asset: The number of UK and the world households struggling to make ends meet has ski rocketed as the cost of living crisis deepens at pace. The Bridge Magazine provides to its readers, scientifically and medically proven health benefits of including fruits in our diet to tackle famine and diseases as healthy eating becomes a luxury for most of the world population.

20 August 2023 11,103 views 5 Comments
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Health is and remains humans most valuable asset. This season, our editorial provides to its readers, scientifically and medically proven health benefits of including fruits in our diet to tackle famine and diseases as healthy eating becomes a luxury for most of the world population. The Bride MAG. Image

Health is and remains humans most valuable asset. This season, our editorial provides to its readers, scientifically and medically proven health benefits of including fruits in our diet to tackle famine and diseases as healthy eating becomes a luxury for most of the world population.
The Bride MAG. Image

When inflation becomes a public health emergency in UK and worldwide, including fruits in households’ daily diet is crucial to tackle famine and poor diet related diseases as people are crawling to afford food costs and energy prices.


UK and the world population in survival mode as food costs and energy prices continue to rise.


Our editorial explains why including fruits in our daily diet is of paramount importance: Some fruits are effective two in one:  both a healthy and survival option in a time where even after purchasing the right ingredients for a hot and balanced meal, the majority cannot afford energy bills to cook and or reheat their meal due to poverty.


According to latest statistics “90% of population are struggling to make ends meets.”


New research commissioned by Cushon, has revealed that nine in ten of people are struggling to make ends meet. – with only one in ten (10%) saying they don’t have any financial issues.  

Cushon is the fintech workplace pension and savings provider.



A typical open fruit market in Yaoundé (Cameroon) When inflation becomes a public health emergency in UK and worldwide, including fruits in households’ daily diet is crucial to tackle famine and poor diet related diseases, as people are crawling to afford food costs and energy prices. UK and the world population in survival mode as food costs and energy prices continue to rise. The Bride MAG. Image

A typical open fruit market in Yaoundé (Cameroon)
When inflation becomes a public health emergency in UK and worldwide, including fruits in households’ daily diet is crucial to tackle famine and poor diet related diseases, as people are crawling to afford food costs and energy prices. UK and the world population in survival mode as food costs and energy prices continue to rise.
The Bride MAG. Image

Meanwhile, researchers from Harvard University looked for up to 34 years, at factors that might increase the chances of a longer and healthier lifespan and conclude that eating fruits daily was one of the major factors.


According to researchers from Harvard University “A diet rich in …fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar […]” 


According to researchers from Harvard University “A diet rich in…fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar […]” The Bride MAG. Image

According to researchers from Harvard University “A diet rich in…fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar […]”
The Bride MAG. Image

Mother Nature is the most talented artist of them all, thus we seldom go wrong when we are inspired by Nature.


Did you know?


Unless your pain becomes pathological, you do not need medicinal tablets all the time as many fruits have been proven to have natural healing properties and can reduce inflammation, improve immune function.


Mother Nature is the most talented artist of them all, thus we seldom go wrong when we are inspired by Nature. Did you know? Unless your pain becomes pathological, you do not need medicinal tablets all the time as many fruits have been proven to have natural healing properties and can reduce inflammation, improve immune function. The Bride MAG. Image

Mother Nature is the most talented artist of them all, thus we seldom go wrong when we are inspired by Nature.
Did you know? Unless your pain becomes pathological, you do not need medicinal tablets all the time as many fruits have been proven to have natural healing properties and can reduce inflammation, improve immune function.
The Bride MAG. Image

Humans are natural beings to start with hence why they are also ruled by their nature, by their biology, by their emotions just as the healing process caused by their triggered negative emotions can be found in Mother Nature’s fruity foods and beverage.


Human life has its peaks and throughs: Brutal life experiences such as: a bereavement, injustice, misfortune, parents’ trauma when they fail their own children, bullying, the loss of a job, health issues, money issues, poverty, discrimination, rejection, deception, body shaming, betrayal from fake /toxic friends, colleagues and or family members, upsetting or worrying events…



Humans are natural beings to start with hence why they are also ruled by their nature, by their biology, by their emotions just as the healing process caused by their triggered negative emotions can be found in Mother Nature’s fruity foods and beverage. The Bride MAG. Image

Humans are natural beings to start with hence why they are also ruled by their nature, by their biology, by their emotions just as the healing process caused by their triggered negative emotions can be found in Mother Nature’s fruity foods and beverage.
The Bride MAG. Image

Triggered humankind’s negative emotions such as:  anger, grief, worries, inferiority complex, ugliness complex, failure, fears and stress over people’s perception over a failure usually negatively impact our health by weakening our immune system.


Most of the time such emotions could be pondered, alleviated or healed by natural vitamins found in natural fruits.


A typical open fruit market in Yaoundé (Cameroon) Fruits are juicy foods beneficial for people fighting cardiovascular disease, as research suggests a diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and coronary artery disease. The Bridge MAG. Image

A typical open fruit market in Yaoundé (Cameroon)
Fruits are juicy foods beneficial for people fighting cardiovascular disease, as research suggests a diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and coronary artery disease.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Mother Nature has its own way of bringing balance to negative emotions, potential health issues  when we consume fruits.  

The healing process may take place via vitamins antioxidants contain in fruits that strengthen our immune system.


Negative emotions destroy our health and significantly reduce our lifespan if no urgent action is taken: The Bride MAG. Image

Negative emotions destroy our health and significantly reduce our lifespan if no urgent action is taken:
The Bride MAG. Image

Find below how negative emotions destroy our health and significantly reduce our lifespan if no urgent action is taken: 


Anger weakens your liver


Grief weakens your lungs


Worry weakens your stomach


Fear weakens your kidneys


Stress weakens your heart and brain


Bully, betrayal and rejection weaken your self-esteem, and self-love


And the list goes on ….



Mother Nature, as a natural shield, channels vitamins found in fruits and acts upon negative emotions to protect our health thus strengthen our immune system. The Bride MAG. Image

Mother Nature, as a natural shield, channels vitamins found in fruits and acts upon negative emotions to protect our health thus strengthen our immune system.
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Find below how Mother Nature, as a natural shield, channels vitamins found in fruits and acts upon the aforementioned negative emotions to protect our health thus strengthen our immune system.


Cherries help calm our nervous system


Grapes relax our blood vessels


Peaches are rich in potassium, fluoride and iron


Apples help our body develop resistance against infections


Watermelon helps control our heart rate


Oranges help maintain great skin and vision


Strawberries can potentially fight against cancer and aging


Bananas are great for athletes because they provide energy



Unlike most other fruits, avocados are high in healthy fats and low in natural sugars. Rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat proven to improve heart health. Studies have linked avocados to better weight management. Eating avocado may help speed skin repair and improve chronic skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and even helps with hair growth thanks to it richness in Vitamins A, B, D, and E and biotin. The Bride MAG. Image

Unlike most other fruits, avocados are high in healthy fats and low in natural sugars. Rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat proven to improve heart health. Studies have linked avocados to better weight management. Eating avocado may help speed skin repair and improve chronic skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and even helps with hair growth thanks to it richness in Vitamins A, B, D, and E and biotin.
The Bride MAG. Image

Pineapples help fight arthritis


Blueberries protect our heart


Kiwis increases bone mass


Mangoes protect against several kinds of cancer


And the list goes on …


Unlike most other fruits, avocados are high in healthy fats and low in natural sugars. Rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat proven to improve heart health. Studies have linked avocados to better weight management. Eating avocado may help speed skin repair and improve chronic skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and even helps with hair growth thanks to it richness in Vitamins A, B, D, and E and biotin. The Bride MAG. Image

Unlike most other fruits, avocados are high in healthy fats and low in natural sugars. Rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat proven to improve heart health. Studies have linked avocados to better weight management. Eating avocado may help speed skin repair and improve chronic skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and even helps with hair growth thanks to it richness in Vitamins A, B, D, and E and biotin.
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When eating one or several fruits a day becomes a survival option in time of economic crises.



There is a myriad of fruits but we will also provide you with more details on the following three super nutritious fruits: (Avocado, Mango and Pineapple.)



The importance of fruits


Including fruits in our diet is vital as poor diet remains one of the major and direct cause of most deadly diseases.

Not being able to afford the essentials, such as:  food, heating, transport or rent, has widespread negative impacts on mental and physical health. 


Studies have shown mango may protect the body from chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and certain forms of cancer. The fruit help the skin regenerate human body’s natural collagen, preventing by so doing, sun damage and premature aging. The Bride MAG. Image

Studies have shown mango may protect the body from chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and certain forms of cancer. The fruit help the skin regenerate human body’s natural collagen, preventing by so doing, sun damage and premature aging.
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1- Avocado


Unlike most other fruits, avocados are high in healthy fats and low in natural sugars.


Rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat proven to improve heart health. Avocado is also high in potassium, fibre, vitamin B6, folate, vitamins E and K, as well as two carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) important to maintain our eyes in good health.


If one is suffering from severe acne, skin rashes or skin damage, consuming pineapple will rejuvenate their skin and make it look clean and fresher. People prone to acne, skin rashes, are highly recommended to eat pineapple or drink pineapple juice as it contains loads of vitamin C and antioxidants that can treat acne, sun damage, and uneven skin toning. One may also use pineapple juice as a natural cure for dandruff. The juice's anti-inflammatory qualities help alleviate dandruff, itching, and scalp irritation. The Bride MAG. Image

If one is suffering from severe acne, skin rashes or skin damage, consuming pineapple will rejuvenate their skin and make it look clean and fresher. People prone to acne, skin rashes, are highly recommended to eat pineapple or drink pineapple juice as it contains loads of vitamin C and antioxidants that can treat acne, sun damage, and uneven skin toning. One may also use pineapple juice as a natural cure for dandruff. The juice’s anti-inflammatory qualities help alleviate dandruff, itching, and scalp irritation.
The Bride MAG. Image

Recent medical studies find a significant decrease in cholesterol levels and an increase in blood lutein levels among participants who consumed an avocado per day for 5 weeks.


When compared by weight, avocados are higher in calories than most other fruits.


However, studies have linked them to better weight managementResearchers concluded   that this is because their high fat and fibre contents promote fullness.


It has been scientifically and medically proven that daily oral avocado consumption may enhance elasticity and firmness of the facial skin in healthy women.



If one is suffering from severe acne, skin rashes or skin damage, consuming pineapple will rejuvenate their skin and make it look clean and fresher. People prone to acne, skin rashes, are highly recommended to eat pineapple or drink pineapple juice as it contains loads of vitamin C and antioxidants that can treat acne, sun damage, and uneven skin toning. One may also use pineapple juice as a natural cure for dandruff. The juice's anti-inflammatory qualities help alleviate dandruff, itching, and scalp irritation. The Bride MAG. Image

If one is suffering from severe acne, skin rashes or skin damage, consuming pineapple will rejuvenate their skin and make it look clean and fresher. People prone to acne, skin rashes, are highly recommended to eat pineapple or drink pineapple juice as it contains loads of vitamin C and antioxidants that can treat acne, sun damage, and uneven skin toning. One may also use pineapple juice as a natural cure for dandruff. The juice’s anti-inflammatory qualities help alleviate dandruff, itching, and scalp irritation.
The Bride MAG. Image

Eating avocado may help speed skin repair and improve chronic skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and even helps with hair growth thanks to it richness in Vitamins A, B, D, and E and biotin.



2- Mango



Also Known as the “king of fruits” mangoes are an excellent source of potassium, folate, fibre, and vitamins A, C, B6, E, and K. They are also rich in polyphenols that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


It is believed that eating fruits lower in calories per cup, may help lower overall calorie intake. Eating a diet rich in fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce the risk for heart disease, including heart attack, stroke and may protect against certain types of cancers. The Bridge MAG. Image

It is believed that eating fruits lower in calories per cup, may help lower overall calorie intake. Eating a diet rich in fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce the risk for heart disease, including heart attack, stroke and may protect against certain types of cancers.
The Bridge MAG. Image

In particular, mangoes are high in mangiferin, a potent antioxidant. Studies have shown it may protect the body from chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and certain forms of cancer.


Mangoes contain fibre which helps digestion. Because mango is highly rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, in vitamin C, the fruit help the skin regenerate human body’s natural collagen, preventing by so doing, sun damage and premature aging.


Mangoes contain antioxidants such as Mangiferin, Terpenoids, Polyphenols, which protect human hair from free radicals.

Phytochemicals like gallotannins are also known to benefit your hair health. Not to mention Pectin found in mangoes also great in getting a healthy scalp.


Maybe “conspiracy theorists” of a depopulation program could be right to believe that there is an obscure and hidden depopulation program! If not, how could Governments worldwide expect the human species to survive and reproduce when pregnant women, babies, children and toddlers are unable to afford foods and other basics necessities? The Bridge MAG. Image

Maybe “conspiracy theorists” of a depopulation program could be right to believe that there is an obscure and hidden depopulation program! If not, how could Governments worldwide expect the human species to survive and reproduce when pregnant women, babies, children and toddlers are unable to afford foods and other basics necessities?
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3 – Pineapple


Pineapple is one of the most popular tropical fruits. It has been medically proven that one cup of 165 grams of pineapple provides 88% of the DV (Daily Value) for vitamin C and 73% of the DV for manganese.


Manganese supports metabolism and blood sugar regulation and also acts as an antioxidant.


The Bridge Magazine hopes that the UK and the world organisations that aim at alleviating famine and poverty worldwide such as: the United Nation World Food Program, Oxfam International, Save The Children, Zero Hunger and all charities under the Hunger & Food Policy Charities umbrella … are currently taking action by passing URGENT and effective laws. Effective Human Rights Laws that will enable populations worldwide to stop living below the breadline. Our editorial hopes that all the rulers of the world, the world 1% richest multi trillionaires will show a bit of empathy towards poverty and famine by urgently assisting populations deficient in welfare. The Bridge MAG. Image

The Bridge Magazine hopes that the UK and the world organisations that aim at alleviating famine and poverty worldwide such as: the United Nation World Food Program, Oxfam International, Save The Children, Zero Hunger and all charities under the Hunger & Food Policy Charities umbrella … are currently taking action by passing URGENT and effective laws.
Effective Human Rights Laws that will enable populations worldwide to stop living below the breadline. Our editorial hopes that all the rulers of the world, the world 1% richest multi trillionaires will show a bit of empathy towards poverty and famine by urgently assisting populations deficient in welfare.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Pineapple is also packed with a polyphenolic compound rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Pineapple is good for human overall health and similarly, great for our skin and hair too.


If one is suffering from severe acne, skin rashes or skin damage, consuming pineapple will rejuvenate their skin and make it look clean and fresher.


People prone to acne, skin rashes, are highly recommended to eat pineapple or drink pineapple juice as it contains loads of vitamin C and antioxidants that can treat acne, sun damage, and uneven skin toning.


Our editorial remains optimistic despite the alarming situation and believes that, even if the severe inflation climate we are currently living in is allegedly entertained by a handful of the world rich tycoons to get richer, at some point, we hope there still remains a minimum of kindness in them, that they will not completely shut down their humanity to let global hunger lead to the extinction of mankind.
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It will also keep the skin hydrated and make the skin clear.

Pineapples’ strong vitamin C content can help people maintain a healthy scalp: a healthy scalp is vital for thick hair.

One may also use pineapple juice as a natural cure for dandruff. The juice’s anti-inflammatory qualities help alleviate dandruff, itching, and scalp irritation.


Our editorial remains optimistic despite the alarming situation and believes that, even if the severe inflation climate we are currently living in is allegedly entertained by a handful of the world rich tycoons to get richer, at some point, we hope there still remains a minimum of kindness in them, that they will not completely shut down their humanity to let global hunger lead to the extinction of mankind. The Bridge MAG. Image

Our editorial remains optimistic despite the alarming situation and believes that, even if the severe inflation climate we are currently living in is allegedly entertained by a handful of the world rich tycoons to get richer, at some point, we hope there still remains a minimum of kindness in them, that they will not completely shut down their humanity to let global hunger lead to the extinction of mankind.
The Bridge MAG. Image

For a Global food and poverty policy solutions



The Bridge Magazine hopes that the UK and the world organisations that aim at alleviating famine and poverty worldwide such as:  


The United Nation World Food Program, Oxfam International, Save The Children, Zero Hunger and all charities under the Hunger & Food Policy Charities umbrella … are currently taking action by passing URGENT and effective laws.


Effective Human Rights Laws that will enable populations worldwide to stop living below the breadline.


Our editorial hopes that all the rulers of the world, the world 1% richest multi trillionaires will show a bit of empathy towards poverty and famine by urgently assisting populations deficient in welfare.


Emergency legislation is needed as it will swiftly regulate food, beverage dairy … trade worldwide in a bid to reduce poverty, before the world population starts to believe that depopulation agendas are not a conspiracy theory.


Maybe “conspiracy theorists” of a depopulation program could be right to believe that there is an obscure and hidden depopulation program! If not, how could Governments worldwide expect the human species to survive and reproduce when pregnant women, babies, children and toddlers are unable to afford foods and other basics necessities?


As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 11th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution. The Bridge MAG. Image

As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 11th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.
The Bridge MAG. Image

There is a more factual and objective view that mankind is threaten to extinction: the mortality rate caused by the COVID, the global spikes in energy costs worsened by the war in Ukraine, and infant mortality rate caused by the current global inflation.


Recent figures show that a 1% rise in inflation increases the infant mortality rate by 0.058% and reduces life expectancy by 0.241%.


Our editorial remains optimistic despite the alarming situation and believes that, even if the severe inflation climate we are currently living in is allegedly entertained by a handful of the world rich tycoons to get richer, at some point, we hope there still remains a minimum of kindness in them, that they will not completely shut down their humanity to let global hunger lead to the extinction of mankind.


As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 11th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.



Follow the links below to purchase one or various of The Bridge Books. 



1)  Global News That Never Fades: From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





 2) Beauty, Health and Wellbeing Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





3) Education Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






 4)  Love and Relationship Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





 5)    True Crimes and Prevention Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






6) Economy and Investment Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





7) Soft & Hard News Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





8) Urban Legend Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





9) High-Profile People Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






10) Arts and Culture Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





11) Travel & Tourism Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





12) Politics Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.










Rachel Tcheungna, 

Author, Writer of The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.


  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear All,

    A massive thank you for all your comments and words of encouragement that I receive on a daily basis regarding my articles.
    Just to note: if I do not reply to your comments individually it is because there is an overload of comments in my dashboard but I do see all your feedback and comments and we, the team at The Bridge Magazine ?️? are eternally grateful.

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Chers tous, chères toutes,

    Un immense merci pour tous vos commentaires et mots d’encouragement que je reçois tous les jours concernant mes articles. C’est fort apprécié.

    Juste pour vous dire : si je ne réponds pas à vos commentaires individuellement, c’est parce qu’il y a une avalanche de milliers de commentaires au quotidien dans mon tableau de bord. Je vous rassure que je vois toutes vos mises à jour et tous vos commentaires et nous, l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine ?️? vous en sommes éternellement reconnaissants.

    Bien cordialement,

    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear All,

    Health is and remains humans most valuable asset. What to do when healthy eating becomes a luxury for most of the world population?

    Mother Nature is the most talented artist of them all, thus we seldom go wrong when we are inspired by Nature.

    Did you know? Unless your pain becomes pathological, you do not need medicinal tablets all the time as many fruits have been proven to have natural healing properties and can reduce inflammation, improve immune function.

    Our editorial remains optimistic despite the alarming situation and believes that, even if the severe inflation climate we are currently living in is allegedly entertained by a handful of the world rich tycoons to get richer, at some point, we hope there still remains a minimum of kindness in them, that they will not completely shut down their humanity to let global hunger lead to the extinction of mankind.

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear All,

    Thank you for all your comments, emails and suggestions urging The Bridge Magazine to write about the 2023 Nigerien coup d’état and the relevance of African countries to go to war.
    Governments worldwide not only Africans Government should always ask themselves who benefits from wars? In one of our war related articles, we quote Pilger as follows:

    In his 1998 book, Hidden Agendas, Chapter 2, ‘Flying the Flag, Arming the World’, John Pilger wrote:

    ‘Today, Britain is the world’s second largest arms exporter after the United States.
    In no other export sector is Britain so successful as in the arms business…The most famous arms dealer of all was Sir Bazil Zaharoff, whose reputation popularised the term ‘merchant of death’.
    Zaroff understood the connection between arms and power, diplomacy, spying and bribery, and flying the flag, regardless of whose flag it was. “I made wars so that I could sell arms to both sides” he declared.’
    Find below the link to the related video:


    Kind Regards,

    The Editor?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Chers tous, chères toutes,

    Merci pour tous vos commentaires, e-mails et suggestions à The Bridge Magazine de faire URGEMMENT un article au sujet du coup d’État de 2023 au Niger et sur la pertinence des pays africains d’entrer en guerre.
    Les Gouvernements du monde entier, pas seulement les Gouvernements Africains, devraient toujours se demander à qui profitent les guerres ? Dans l’un de nos articles sur la guerre…nous citons Pilger comme suit :
    Au chapitre 2 d’un de ses bestsellers intitulé Hidden Agendas, ‘Flying the Flag, Arming the World’ (en français « Programmes secrets : vénérer le drapeau, armer le monde »),

    Pilger dénonce :

    « L’Angleterre est aujourd’hui le second plus grand exportateur d’armes dans le monde après les Etats-Unis. Il n’y a pas un autre secteur économique d’exportation où la Grande Bretagne excelle tant. Le premier richissime dealer d’armes que le monde ait jamais connu était Sir Bazil Zaharoff. C’est à l’époque de Sir – Zaharoff, que le terme ‘marchant de la mort’ devient usuel.

    Zaharoff avait très vite établit le lien entre les armes et le pouvoir, la diplomatie et l’espionnage, la corruption et la notion de vénérer le drapeau. Peu importe de quel drapeau il s’agira. “ Je provoque les guerres pour vendre des armes au maximum aux deux parties adverses afin de faire doublement fortune ” déclarait-il »
    Ci-dessous le lien de la vidéo :


    Bien cordialement,

    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

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