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Has your man put pressure on you to perform in bed?

9 December 2011 3,059 views No Comment
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Has your man put pressure on you to perform in bed? Are you ready, like Melissa, to go to extra lengths by unleashing the inner sex goddess in you to save your relationship?


Couple in Love The Bridge MAG image

Two days ago, Melissa S (name changed) arrived at her fiancé’s flat for a surprise visit. Ten minutes later she walked out in tears, clutching another woman’s bra and wondering how she was going to break the devastating news to her mother.

She had caught Rosy, her best friend, performing fellatio on her man. Since then, he has bombarded her with texts and emails, which she has ignored, in a desperate attempt to salvage their relationship.


Melissa and her beau, Max A (name changed), first met at university. They were each academically distinguished, charming and ambitious. She was known as one of the sexiest girls on the campus. After meeting at a classmate’s birthday party, they started dating and were soon hooked on each other.


Today Melissa works as an investment banker and Max is a business lawyer: on the face of it, the perfect career couple.


Melissa’s shock at exposing Marc’s unfaithfulness was matched by her surprise at her mother’s reaction when she told her the news. Rather than condemning her boyfriend for his infidelity, she advised her daughter to reflect on her own responsibility for a failing relationship – and warned her to think twice before deciding to cancel their wedding.


Even when Melissa revealed to her mother the full story of the pressure she felt Max had put on her to perform in the bedroom – and his repeated demands for everything from fellatio and  massage to rectal sex and stimulating his anus with her tongue – she found her to be less than sympathetic. Instead, she was told that there was “nothing wrong” with any of his requests – and that she should do her homework to improve her bedroom skills if she wanted to secure her man.


Sexual Pressure to Perform in Bed The Bridge MAG image

Melissa’s story – and the advice her mother gave her – reflect a growing recognition of the importance of adventurous sex in sustaining and enhancing relationships. Although sex only represents one aspect of a whole relationship, experts believe it can play a major part in ensuring emotional stability.


From China to Peru, from Africa to Brazil, there is a growing recognition that even if techniques differ, the objectives are the same: sexual satisfaction.


Oral sex is now widely practised, …

In 2010, the American Centre for Disease Control and Prevention published the results of an extensive survey, in which it found that 90.8 per cent of men aged 25 to 44, had had oral sex with a woman, and 88.8 per cent of females in the same age group had tried oral sex with a man.


Perhaps more revealingly, 5.7 per cent of men said they had had oral sex with another male.


In 2010, North America Redbook Magazine surveyed 100,000 married women on their anal sex practices. Here is what the survey said:…

Meanwhile, in Brazil around half of women, married or not, practice anal sex – not only to save or stabilise their relationships but also for pleasure….




Follow the links below to read more:















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.




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