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Festive Well-Wishing: As we are heading towards Christmas and the New Year The Bridge Magazine wishes all children from around the world well this Christmas and for years to come to protect and keep them safe from all the uncertainty.

20 December 2019 2,715 views No Comment
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A message to all adult from around the world, harness the law of attraction in children and the youth around you. Teach them to ask for what they want, to believe in it and work hard for it, and to be open to receive it. The Bridge MAG. Image

A message to all adult from around the world, harness the law of attraction in children and the youth around you. Teach them to ask for what they want, to believe in it and work hard for it, and to be open to receive it.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Devoting our world editorial each December to children is a long-established tradition at The Bridge Magazine.

But this festive season, The Bridge Magazine ditches its usual angle of stories about the world’s seeming impossibility to improve itself, and the plight of children caught up in the world’s various vicissitudes. 

Wishing well to people in general and to children in this case, triggers a play button, unfolding their dreams into goals and plans so they can become a reality.


Festive Well-Wishing: As we are heading towards Christmas and the New Year The Bridge Magazine wishes all children from around the world well this Christmas and for years to come to protect and keep them safe from all the uncertainty. The Bridge MAG. Image

Festive Well-Wishing: As we are heading towards Christmas and the New Year The Bridge Magazine wishes all children from around the world well this Christmas and for years to come to protect and keep them safe from all the uncertainty.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Remember Stephen Richards’s famous quote on the Cosmic Ordering:

“Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about”.


Stephen Richards is an author writing in the self-help genre: the mind, body, spirit subject of Cosmic Ordering and mind power.


A message to all adult from around the world, harness the law of attraction in children and the youth around you. Teach them to ask for what they want, to believe in it and work hard for it, and to be open to receive it. 

It is believed that, if you feel stuck and are having trouble creating a life you love you may not feel worthy of joy thus happiness.


As we are heading towards Christmas and the New Year, children’s rights to upbringings seem increasingly jeopardised.  


Christmas is associated with the events surrounding Jesus’s birth –a fulfilment of the Old Testament messianic prophecy.


However, the day is also equally associated with family festivities and, in particular, with children. There is arguably no better time, therefore, to hope for a better future for children in the UK and from around the world.



The countdown to Christmas 2019 is ticking. At this festive time of year, The Bridge Magazine wishes joy, happiness and peace. 


Survival, Peace and Wellbeing, for children worldwide this Christmas time. Wishing well to people in general and to children in this case, triggers a play button, unfolding their dreams into goals and plans so they can become a reality. The Bridge MAG. Image

Survival, Peace and Wellbeing, for children worldwide this Christmas time. Wishing well to people in general and to children in this case, triggers a play button, unfolding their dreams into goals and plans so they can become a reality.
The Bridge MAG. Image

The Bridge Magazine wishes a Merry Christmas to the tens of thousands of homeless children in the UK this Christmas due to being evicted from their homes due to benefit caps, sanctions and the bedroom tax.


Merry Christmas to sexually exploited children used in the porn, industries and organ trafficking.

Merry Christmas to brutally exploited children used in the drugs and guns, industries. 


Merry Christmas for the unborn children and those who haven’t made it to this Christmas.


Merry Christmas to all children in war zones!


Merry Christmas to all the disadvantaged children around the globe!


Merry Christmas to all children around the world!


Focus is on joy, happiness and hope for possible world peace for children from around the word.







The editor,

Rachel Tcheungna

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