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Exclusive interview with Sir Lijoi the Retired Deep Cover Investigator in Narcotics and murder cases.

4 May 2012 3,910 views No Comment
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Sir Lijoi was a detective for the City of Quincy, Massachusetts and worked with various federal agencies, in a Deep Cover capacity such as FBI, (Federal Department of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) ATF AND Federal Drug Enforcement Administration) DEA on different cases when they were needed.

To raise awareness on drug addiction and help prevent the poison striking again, Sir Lijoi opened up to The Bridge Magazine .

Sir Lijoi in 1978 The Bridge MAG image

“I must tell you that first of all, I am not a doctor; I have had experiences that most people cannot conceive of or even think about in my career as a deep- cover operative. I will simply relate some facts as I see and understand them.”



How did you acquire so much expertise?


“While working deep cover I had occasion to live among people addicted to drugs of all types-heroine, cocaine, methamphetamines, pills, glue, marijuana and more. As you can see I include marijuana, even though some governments throughout the world have deemed that marijuana is an acceptable drug. Yet they have decided to turn their heads away from the real facts about this drug by allowing small quantities to be carried and used for personal use. This point leads me to what I call the catalyst to most drug problems.”


So do you see a problem in ‘soft drugs’ like marijuana being used to treat medical conditions then? …



Follow the links below to read more:
















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.


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