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Education, the spine to our future: Academic grade inflation is higher as economic growth goes deeper.

20 September 2018 2,458 views No Comment
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IQ is not set in stone, whatever a child’s background; it can be nurtured and grown through various stimuli and through nutrition. The Bridge MAG. Image

IQ is not set in stone, whatever a child’s background; it can be nurtured and grown through various stimuli and through nutrition. The Bridge MAG. Image

Only a few weeks on since the start of the academic year, pressure is already on children to get into top schools and elite universities.

This  academic year, as  millions of children and young adults return to school and university, parents’ biggest fears around the world are whether or not their offspring will  gain the required qualifications.

 IQ is not set in stone: On self-discipline, Keller Williams wrote in his book entitled: “The One Thing”:

“The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results. ‘Success is actually a short race—a sprint fuelled   by discipline just long enough for habit to kick in and take over.”


It is believe that there are scientifically based tips for parents to raise the educational aptitudes of children to reach outstanding grades.

Below are scientifically based tips for parents to boost the educational aptitudes of children to reach good grades.


  • Feed their brain. The foods they eat are key. Childhood and teenage-hood are critical for brain development.

‘Self-discipline predicted academic performance more robustly than did IQ.’ Duhigg As striking brain changes take place during the teen years, what growing young people eat affects their focus and cognitive skills. The Bridge MAG. Image

‘Self-discipline predicted academic performance more robustly than did IQ.’ Duhigg
As striking brain changes take place during the teen years, what growing young people eat affects their focus and cognitive skills.
The Bridge MAG. Image
















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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.







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