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Education – Back to school: parental education and social networks! When social networks compete with traditional and classic career paths. Earning money by creating content on social networks or accessing elite universities? The Bridge Magazine shows to its readers the advantages and drawbacks of ephemeral fame/short term unpredictable job titles and why school, university and or classic professional training will always hold its patents of nobility.

20 September 2023 14,098 views 3 Comments
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Education - Back to school: This season, The Bridge Magazine shows to its readers the advantages and drawbacks of ephemeral fame/short term unpredictable job titles and why school, university and or classic professional training will always hold its patents of nobility. The Bridge MAG. Image

Education – Back to school: This season, The Bridge Magazine shows to its readers the advantages and drawbacks of ephemeral fame/short term unpredictable job titles and why school, university and or classic professional training will always hold its patents of nobility.
The Bridge MAG. Image

                                                                          Only a few weeks after the start of the academic year, pressure is on children and the youth to achieve outstanding results against the challenges of the new Schools White Paper to secure a career.

Meanwhile, another type of pressure is on others who have chosen as their career paths making money on social media platforms by posting contents: The higher the views, the higher their chances/likelihood of earning money.


The number of youths dropping out of education to make social media content creation as their dream career choice and bread and butter job raise eyebrows.


A recent United States of America survey found “54% of 13- to 38-year-olds want to become social media influencers, and a United Kingdom study found 30% of children listed YouTuber as their top career choice.”


Education - Back to school: parental education and social networks at the heart of our editorial. When social networks compete with traditional and classic career paths. Earning money by creating content on social networks or accessing elite universities? At the heart of a persistent cost of living crisis, a myriad have resorted to other ways of making money. The Bridge MAG. Image

Education – Back to school: parental education and social networks at the heart of our editorial. When social networks compete with traditional and classic career paths. Earning money by creating content on social networks or accessing elite universities? At the heart of a persistent cost of living crisis, a myriad have resorted to other ways of making money.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Although few government executives as well as few politicians worldwide were prompt to recognise social media content creators as a profession, they are still yet to implement educational laws (under the similar umbrella as student finance loans that fund the youth to train as content creators)

as many content creators are birthed as a self-taught profession.



Only a few weeks after the start of the academic year, pressure is on children and the youth to achieve outstanding results against the challenges of the new Schools White Paper to secure a career. The Bridge MAG. Image

Only a few weeks after the start of the academic year, pressure is on children and the youth to achieve outstanding results against the challenges of the new Schools White Paper to secure a career.
The Bridge MAG. Image


There is another view. It is believed social media content creators have been popularised by politicians craving for views and for an audience worldwide.


Some politicians, to keep up with their political campaign and agendas and to prevent other kids competing with their offspring, were prompt to recognise and acknowledge social media content creators as a profession whilst their own children are enrolled in the best elite universities worldwide with fees able to reach over 100 000 US Dollars per year.


Meanwhile, another type of pressure is on others who have chosen as their career paths making money on social media platforms by posting contents: The higher the views, the higher their chances/likelihood of earning money. The Bridge MAG. Image

Meanwhile, another type of pressure is on others who have chosen as their career paths making money on social media platforms by posting contents: The higher the views, the higher their chances/likelihood of earning money.
The Bridge MAG. Image

The importance of education


 As previously published in one of our successful education related articles:

Education is one of the most powerful tools: it goes so much beyond just getting a job and narrowing the gap of identity and social etiquette. Education allows us to make a difference between a compliment and a subtle mockery or sarcasm.


Education allows us to respect others even if we do not like them necessarily, to say please, sorry if you hurt someone, thank you or no thanks…


The number of youths dropping out of education to make social media content creation as their dream career choice and bread and butter job raise eyebrows. A recent United States of America survey found 54% of 13- to 38-year-olds want to become social media influencers, and a United Kingdom study found 30% of children listed YouTuber as their top career choice. The Bridge MAG. Image

The number of youths dropping out of education to make social media content creation as their dream career choice and bread and butter job raise eyebrows.
A recent United States of America survey found 54% of 13- to 38-year-olds want to become social media influencers, and a United Kingdom study found 30% of children listed YouTuber as their top career choice.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Education allows us to tell the difference between rat poison and a spice or condiment.  Education allows us to get rid of social restraints and the list goes on…   


IQ is not set in stone. Evidence shows that, rather than ending at age 5, or 12, the teenager brain is still under construction according to researchers.  Parents must invest in their children’s food, nutrition and living standards until they reach 25 years old.


Although few government executives as well as few politicians worldwide were prompt to recognise social media content creators as a profession, they are still yet to implement educational laws (under the similar umbrella as student finance loans that fund the youth to train as content creators) as many content creators are birthed as a self-taught profession. The Bridge MAG. Image

Although few government executives as well as few politicians worldwide were prompt to recognise social media content creators as a profession, they are still yet to implement educational laws (under the similar umbrella as student finance loans that fund the youth to train as content creators) as many content creators are birthed as a self-taught profession.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Maybe it could also be time for Governments worldwide to regulate the use of social media for the youth until they reach a full brain capacity and or maturity.


It is believed the youth are undergoing plastic surgery and are posting in skimpy underwear, nude and use sexual related language to boost content.


Although they can actually make views, the youth MUST understand that for long term traditional and classic career paths, 6 jobs out of 7 need more than an attractive physique. Whether it be a natural or a surgical one. And notably, 6 jobs out of 7 require an individual academic or professional training merit not solely physical beauty.


There is another view. It is believed social media content creators have been popularised by politicians craving for views and for an audience worldwide. Some politicians, to keep up with their political campaign and agendas and to prevent other kids competing with their offspring, were prompt to recognise and acknowledge social media content creators as a profession whilst their own children are enrolled in the best elite universities worldwide with fees able to reach over 100 000 US Dollars per year. The Bridge MAG. Image

There is another view. It is believed social media content creators have been popularised by politicians craving for views and for an audience worldwide. Some politicians, to keep up with their political campaign and agendas and to prevent other kids competing with their offspring, were prompt to recognise and acknowledge social media content creators as a profession whilst their own children are enrolled in the best elite universities worldwide with fees able to reach over 100 000 US Dollars per year.
The Bridge MAG. Image

The irony lies in the fact that medical breakthroughs are yet to discover plastic surgery on the alteration of the human brain.

There are no brain surgeons able to perform surgery on the human brain to increase IQ performance YET.


It is something everyone may achieve individually due to hard work, consistency and a good study environment.


The importance of education. As previously published in one of our successful articles: Education is one of the most powerful tools: it goes so much beyond just getting a job and narrowing the gap of identity and social etiquette. The Bridge MAG. Image

The importance of education. As previously published in one of our successful articles: Education is one of the most powerful tools: it goes so much beyond just getting a job and narrowing the gap of identity and social etiquette.
The Bridge MAG. Image

At the heart   of a persistent cost of living crisis, a myriad have resorted to other ways of making money.


Content creation is a better-known alternative for young people. The internet has made it easy to access a vast global market through various social media platforms.


Statistics show that over 2 million content creators worldwide make six figures from content creation alone. No wonder children say they want to become YouTube/Vlogger stars, Instagram celebrities…



It is believed the youth are undergoing plastic surgery and are posting in skimpy underwear, nude and use sexual related language to boost content. But 6 jobs out of 7 require an individual academic or professional training merit not solely physical beauty. The irony lies in the fact that medical breakthroughs are yet to discover plastic surgery on the alteration of the human brain. There are no brain surgeons able to perform surgery on the human brain to increase IQ performance YET. It is something everyone may achieve individually due to hard work, consistency and a good study environment. The Bridge MAG. Image

It is believed the youth are undergoing plastic surgery and are posting in skimpy underwear, nude and use sexual related language to boost content. But 6 jobs out of 7 require an individual academic or professional training merit not solely physical beauty.
The irony lies in the fact that medical breakthroughs are yet to discover plastic surgery on the alteration of the human brain. There are no brain surgeons able to perform surgery on the human brain to increase IQ performance YET. It is something everyone may achieve individually due to hard work, consistency and a good study environment.
The Bridge MAG. Image














 Multiple parents have even forgotten the classic parenthood path and instead of purchasing phonics DVDs, classic children rhymes, teaching the alphabet, how to count, colours, in order to prepare and efficiently equip the kids with the harsh reality of nursery, primary school routes and or the basics of essentials to enter life.


Some myopic and naïve parents have been so blinded by the alleged 6 figures earnings via social media content that they have jeopardised the crucial early learning stages and house training for their babies and toddlers.


IQ is not set in stone. Evidence shows that, rather than ending at age 5, or 12, the teenager brain is still under construction according to researchers. Parents must invest in their children’s food, nutrition and living standards until they reach 25 years old. Maybe it could also be time for Governments worldwide to regulate the use of social media for the youth until they reach a full brain capacity and or maturity. The Bridge MAG. Image

IQ is not set in stone. Evidence shows that, rather than ending at age 5, or 12, the teenager brain is still under construction according to researchers. Parents must invest in their children’s food, nutrition and living standards until they reach 25 years old. Maybe it could also be time for Governments worldwide to regulate the use of social media for the youth until they reach a full brain capacity and or maturity.
The Bridge MAG. Image

They have the rush to flash 24 hours a day, seven days a week, photos, videos, of their children dancing, chanting, and telling stories with a severe lack of grammar and vocabulary, to list a few.






When children are being identified via school uniforms, school addresses, and when street names are posted on social media with millions of views, likes, and bookmarks worldwide, there is NO guarantee that it is solely for achievement and joyful purposes.  



Hidden truths of brand ambassadors on social media worldwide


When social media culture fails the youth in UK and worldwide which way to turn? They are nowadays, a mixture of human beauty specimens with different types of beauty and cultures. The sooner most youth and some parents understand that an attractive physical appearance has never been and will never be the only unique selling point for a long term secure career, the better. The Bridge MAG. Image

When social media culture fails the youth in UK and worldwide which way to turn? There  are nowadays, a mixture of human beauty specimens with different types of beauty and cultures. The sooner most youth and some parents understand that an attractive physical appearance has never been and will never be the only unique selling point for a long term secure career, the better.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Although a handful of brand ambassadors can make money out of the content they create on socials, it is believed the reality of the bigger picture is a mirage.


Some companies were reported to pay ambassadors in gifts such as clothes, handbags… holidays (for the luckiest). The irony is that, no landlord is ready to trade the monthly rent with luxury dresses, clothes, shoes, belts underwear, make up brand …. YET.


Some companies may also go into liquidation and the ambassadors who represent that brand can severely panic as their jobs could highly be at risk and in jeopardy as in, be hanging by a thread if they had no back up plan.

If the backup company is a competitor of the previous company that had shut down, that is where the trouble lies:  the youth are metaphorically swimming with the sharks.


URGENT REGULATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR CHILD PROTECTION AND SAFETY. When children are being identified via school uniforms, school addresses, and when street names are posted on social media with millions of views, likes, and bookmarks worldwide, there is NO guarantee that it is solely for achievement and joyful purposes. The Bridge MAG. Image

When children are being identified via school uniforms, school addresses, and when street names are posted on social media with millions of views, likes, and bookmarks worldwide, there is NO guarantee that it is solely for achievement and joyful purposes.
The Bridge MAG. Image

In a more realistic world, to get a deal with well-established designer luxury brands the criteria it set at an even higher threshold:


Unless one has already hit the A list movie stars bar like the kind of Denzel Washington and or Julia Roberts fame, well-established designer luxury brands would not be inclined to be interested in creating a partnership alongside a no name social media alleged ‘content creator’ as it arguably will never bring them the same level of publicity.


Sir Denzel and Misses Roberts: Teaming up for a High-Profile FBI conspiracy (1993) movie. The Pelican Brief is a compelling intellect cinematography 90’s film genre. When a legal brief regarding the assassination of two U.S. Supreme Court Justices is written by University law student, (Julia Roberts cast as Darby Shaw), it sparked a rash of cover-up murders. The student soon realised her life was at risk and, to bring the story to light, she immediately contacted an editor (Denzel Washington cast as Gray Grantham) to share the theory expressed in her brief. Hidden truths of brand ambassadors on social media worldwide. Some companies were reported to pay ambassadors in gifts such as clothes, handbags… holidays (for the luckiest). The irony is that, no landlord is ready to trade the monthly rent with luxury dresses, clothes, shoes, belts underwear, make up brand …. YET. The Bridge MAG. Image

Sir Denzel and Misses Roberts: Teaming up for a High-Profile FBI conspiracy (1993) movie.
The Pelican Brief is a compelling intellect cinematography 90’s film genre.
When a legal brief regarding the assassination of two U.S. Supreme Court Justices is written by University law student, (Julia Roberts cast as Darby Shaw), it sparked a rash of cover-up murders. The student soon realised her life was at risk and, to bring the story to light, she immediately contacted an editor (Denzel Washington cast as Gray Grantham) to share the theory expressed in her brief.
Hidden truths of brand ambassadors on social media worldwide.
Some companies were reported to pay ambassadors in gifts such as clothes, handbags… holidays (for the luckiest). The irony is that, no landlord is ready to trade the monthly rent with luxury dresses, clothes, shoes, belts underwear, make up brand …. YET.
The Bridge MAG. Image

When social media culture fails the youth in UK and worldwide which way to turn?



There  are nowadays, a mixture of human beauty specimens with different types of beauty and cultures.



The sooner most youth and some parents understand that an attractive physical appearance has never been and will never be the only unique selling point for a long term secure career, the better.




Saving the youth in disarray who are leaning on accessories and a particular aesthetic based on trends (such as a typical beach body, luxury clothes within a holiday resort context and background /scenery) should be parents and ministries of educations concern worldwide.



Cyber violence and cyberbullying are destroying the youth worldwide.


The youth are metaphorically swimming with the sharks. In a more realistic world, to get a deal with well-established designer luxury brands the criteria it set at an even higher threshold: Unless one has already hit the A list movie stars bar like the kind of Denzel Washington and or Julia Roberts fame, well-established designer luxury brands would not be inclined to be interested in creating a partnership alongside a no name social media alleged ‘content creator’ as it arguably will never bring them the same level of publicity. The Bridge MAG. Image

Sir Denzel and Misses Roberts: Teaming up for a High-Profile FBI conspiracy (1993) movie.
“The Pelican Brief ” The youth are metaphorically swimming with the sharks. In a more realistic world, to get a deal with well-established designer luxury brands the criteria it set at an even higher threshold: Unless one has already hit the A list movie stars bar like the kind of Denzel Washington and or Julia Roberts fame, well-established designer luxury brands would not be inclined to be interested in creating a partnership alongside a no name social media alleged ‘content creator’ as it arguably will never bring them the same level of publicity.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Cyber bullying such as body shaming, the use of apps that destroys confidence and self-love, spreading lies about or posting embarrassing photos or videos of someone on social media;


sending hurtful; abusive or threatening messages, images or videos via messaging platforms; impersonating someone and sending mean messages to others on their behalf or through fake accounts.


Did you Know? It is believed social media platforms should be absorbed in small doses, and not full time as it has been scientifically proven to have negative physiological effects on humans. Recent Statistics reveal that female teen suicides hit a 40-year high in 2015. Researchers have linked several aspects of social media use to depression and higher suicide risk. The first is overuse… The Bridge MAG. Image

Did you Know?
It is believed social media platforms should be absorbed in small doses, and not full time as it has been scientifically proven to have negative physiological effects on humans. Recent Statistics reveal that female teen suicides hit a 40-year high in 2015. Researchers have linked several aspects of social media use to depression and higher suicide risk. The first is overuse…
The Bridge MAG. Image

Did you Know?


It is believed social media platforms should be absorbed in small doses, and not full time as it has been scientifically proven to have negative physiological effects on humans.


Recent Statistics reveal that female teen suicides hit a 40-year high in 2015. Researchers have linked several aspects of social media use to depression and higher suicide risk. The first is overuse…


Multiple parents have even forgotten the classic parenthood path… Some myopic and naïve parents have been so blinded by the alleged 6 figures earnings via social media content that they have jeopardised the crucial early learning stages and house training for their babies and toddlers. They have the rush to flash 24 hours a day, seven days a week, photos, videos, of their children dancing, chanting, and telling stories with a severe lack of grammar and vocabulary, to list a few. The Bridge MAG. Image

Multiple parents have even forgotten the classic parenthood path…
Some myopic and naïve parents have been so blinded by the alleged 6 figures earnings via social media content that they have jeopardised the crucial early learning stages and house training for their babies and toddlers. They have the rush to flash 24 hours a day, seven days a week, photos, videos, of their children dancing, chanting, and telling stories with a severe lack of grammar and vocabulary, to list a few.
The Bridge MAG. Image

According to statistics, unhealthy intakes of certain social media platforms can cause severe health impacts on people with epilepsy as “exposure to flashing lights at certain intensities or visual patterns can trigger seizures.”



In a bid to maximize the benefits and minimise the harms of social media platforms, and create safer, healthier online environments to protect children, United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy released a study related to the effects Social Media Use Has on Youth Mental Health.


Recent research shows that adolescents who spend more than three hours per day on social media face double the risk of experiencing poor mental health outcomes, such as symptoms of depression and anxiety.


According to a study release by Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy: adolescence and childhood represent a critical stage in brain development that can make young people more vulnerable to harms from social media. The Bridge MAG. Image

According to a study release by Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy: adolescence and childhood represent a critical stage in brain development that can make young people more vulnerable to harms from social media.
The Bridge MAG. Image

According to a study release by Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, with adolescence and childhood representing a critical stage in brain development that can make young people more vulnerable to harms from social media, the Surgeon General is issuing a call for urgent action by policymakers, technology companies, researchers, families, and young people alike to gain a better understanding of the full impact of social media use, maximize the benefits and minimize the harms of social media platforms, and create safer, healthier online environments to protect children.


It is believed social media platforms should be absorbed in small doses, and not full time as it has been scientifically proven to have negative physiological effects on humans.


Over the past years, social media content creators have been accused to make money out of people's misery as they invent shocking political stories, disrespecting officials and others, love scandals, families’ misfortunes. The length to which many social media content creators can go to spread personal nudes, families’ misfortunes stories, pictures, or entertain the kiss and tell culture to attract viewers in order to make money is beyond belief. The Bridge MAG. Image

Over the past years, social media content creators have been accused to make money out of people’s misery as they invent shocking political stories, disrespecting officials and others, love scandals, families’ misfortunes. The length to which many social media content creators can go to spread personal nudes, families’ misfortunes stories, pictures, or entertain the kiss and tell culture to attract viewers in order to make money is beyond belief.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Toward social media content creators’ regulation in a bid to save failing children, youth and families.


Over the past years, social media content creators have been accused to make money out of people’s misery as they invent shocking political stories, disrespecting officials and others, love scandals, families’ misfortunes. 


The length to which many social media content creators can go to spread personal nudes, families’ misfortunes stories, pictures, or entertain the kiss and tell culture to attract viewers in order to make money is beyond belief.


UK has already voted laws that provide a guide to the Online Safety Bill the latest was uploaded in August 2023. The UK Online Safety Bill is a new set of laws which aims to protect children and adults online. The Bridge Magazine hopes countries around the world will follow the trend to improve safety online as well as to protect populations. The Bridge MAG. Image

UK has already voted laws that provide a guide to the Online Safety Bill the latest was uploaded in August 2023. The UK Online Safety Bill is a new set of laws which aims to protect children and adults online.
The Bridge Magazine hopes countries around the world will follow the trend to improve safety online as well as to protect populations.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Meanwhile, it has been proven that the misuse of social media drastically affects academic performance.


Social media has addictive properties: A recent study analysing the relationship between social media addiction and academic performance found that students who were addicted to social networking had significantly lower academic performance than students who were not addicted to social media.  Over several years, researchers have found that social media may have addictive properties similar to drugs. 


As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 11th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution. The Bridge MAG. Image

As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 11th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Social media acts like a PEZ dispenser: in this case, except instead of feeding sugar, it feeds dopamine. Just like with sugar, once you get it, you want more. And when you don’t have it, you may go through a “crash,” or withdrawal and the addiction can severely affect academic performance.


UK has already voted laws that provide a guide to the Online Safety Bill the latest was uploaded in August 2023. The UK Online Safety Bill is a new set of laws which aims to protect children and adults online. It will make social media companies more responsible for their users’ safety on their platform.


The Bridge Magazine hopes countries around the world will follow the trend to improve safety online as well as to protect populations.


As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 11th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.



Follow the links below to purchase one or various of The Bridge Books. 




1)  Global News That Never Fades: From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






 2) Beauty, Health and Wellbeing Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






3) Education Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






 4)  Love and Relationship Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





 5)    True Crimes and Prevention Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






6) Economy and Investment Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






7) Soft & Hard News Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






8) Urban Legend Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






9) High-Profile People Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






10) Arts and Culture Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






11) Travel & Tourism Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






12) Politics Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.










Rachel Tcheungna, 

Author, Writer of The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.


  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear All,

    A massive thank you for all your comments and words of encouragement that I receive on a daily basis regarding my articles.
    Just to note: if I do not reply to your comments individually it is because there is an overload of comments in my dashboard but I do see all your feedback and comments and we, the team at The Bridge Magazine ?️? are eternally grateful.

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Chers tous, chères toutes,

    Un immense merci pour tous vos commentaires et mots d’encouragement que je reçois tous les jours concernant mes articles. C’est fort apprécié.
    Juste pour vous dire : si je ne réponds pas à vos commentaires individuellement, c’est parce qu’il y a une avalanche de milliers de commentaires au quotidien dans mon tableau de bord. Je vous rassure que je vois toutes vos mises à jour et tous vos commentaires et nous, l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine ?️? vous en sommes éternellement reconnaissants.

    Bien cordialement,

    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear All,

    Education – Back to school: parental education and social networks! When social networks compete with traditional and classic career paths. Earning money by creating content on social networks or accessing elite universities? The Bridge Magazine ?️? shows to its readers the advantages and drawbacks of ephemeral fame/short term unpredictable job titles and why school, university and or classic professional training will always hold its patents of nobility.

    It is believed social media content creators have been popularised by politicians craving for views and for an audience worldwide. Some politicians, to keep up with their political campaign and agendas and to prevent other kids competing with their offspring, were prompt to recognise and acknowledge social media content creators as a profession whilst their own children are enrolled in the best elite universities worldwide with fees able to reach over 100 000 US Dollars per year…

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

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