Easter Surprise. The beauty within: Easter 2015 may be remembered as the end of the cheap chocolate era as experts unveil the health and beauty benefits of chocolate.
20 April 2015
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Commodity prices make chocolate a treasure. According to experts, cocoa costs are expected to double by 2020, thanks to its nourishing, embellishing and healing properties.
Costs of and demand for coca is getting higher as the world’s cocoa supplies are running lower, meaning most, eventually, may not be able to afford it.
Medical researchers believe raw, organic, cold-pressed chocolate is composed of the most important vitamins for human health all in one food, with over 88% of antioxidants needed by our bodies.
According to recent statistics: “Currently, the world’s top five cocoa-producing nations are Ivory Coast, Ghana, Indonesia, Cameroon and Nigeria, which together account for 70% of global cocoa production each year”.
According to Cargill, a world food, agriculture and financial corporation with 150 years of experience: “Cameroon exports around 200,000 tonnes annually, making it the fourth largest producer of cocoa in the world.”
That pure cocoa is in high demand across the world is due to the fact that the tasty currency –which indeed in some parts of the world used to be a literal currency– has many special properties: it has nourishing, curative, restorative and even beauty-aiding properties.
Chocolate (74% to 92 % cocoa chocolate ), a nutritious food a real and all in one:
Chocolate is rarely thought of as a nutritious food but yet it contains flavonoids, chemical compounds holding positive health benefits. Chocolate is a plant-based food, derived from cocoa beans, found within the pod-like fruits of the cacao tree.
Beware! Not all types of chocolate are healthy. But raw, organic, cold-pressed chocolate (with 74% to 92 % of pure cocoa) is believed to be the healthiest food available on the planet!

The consumption of pure chocolate may smooth wrinkles, and help skin look radiant.
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Chocolate, beauty’s best kept secret
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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of
The Bridge Books and
The Bridge Magazine Editor.