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Dream Academy: Is Sleep Artist Lee Hadwin the contemporary Van Gogh?

24 July 2012 4,715 views No Comment
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Sleepwalking artist’ Lee Hadwin is to revolutionise the way contemporary art is perceived after the Trump Organisation splashed out an undisclosed six figure sum on one of his masterpieces.

Lee Hadwin favorite piece The Bridge MAG image

Lee Hadwin favorite piece The Bridge MAG image

The 36 year old artist, who hails from North Wales, started drawing unconsciously at the age of four. He recently launched his debut exhibition, Vision, in London’s Barclays Premier Lounge, Regent Street, showcasing some of the startling somnambulist artwork he has produced over the years.


In an exclusive interview with The Bridge Magazine on Friday 20 July 2012, Hadwin expressed his thrill at finding out that one of his drawings had “put a smile on the face” of the world- renowned Trump Organisation.


The Trump Organization is a limited liability company conglomerate based in Trump Tower in a golf-course surround in Manhattan, New York. The organization owns, operates, and develops residential towers, hotels, resorts, and several pieces of upmarket estate in New York City and worldwide.


‘Sleep-drawing’ at a tender age, Hadwin’s art is diverse, but almost always world class. He draws beautifully toned human figures, numbers, objects, places, and striking chiaroscuro abstract patterns.


Cynics have argued that “Lee might have been abducted by aliens”. The concept of ‘aliens’ can be associated with death, especially its ugliest aspects.


However, none of the 35 masterpieces that are still exposed at London’s Barclays Premier Lounge on Regent Street…


Follow the links below to read more:














Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.





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