Dr Richard Dackam Ngatchou, one of the renowned United Nations diplomats and an expert in demography, who lives in Canada, opens up to The Bridge Magazine. He shares his view about the royal wedding and the opportunity it provides for bridging cultural differences by bringing the nations of the world together.
20 June 2018

Throwback in 2009 when Richard Dackam Ngatchou was acting as Head of the United Nations agency, (UNFPA) Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
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As the world gets ready to witness another British royal wedding, The Bridge Magazine interviews a high-ranking United Nations expert in demography and population studies.
Experts in demographics are highly aware of how personal experiences impact on human behaviour and the psyche, and consequently influence our interaction in society, as well as population and socio-economic improvement.
“A peacemaker, smart, a patriarch, sociable and altruistic” is how Dackam Ngatchou was described by the Congolese Government and United Nations High Commissioners whilst he acted as a United Nations Coordinator in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Award-winning Dr Dackam Ngatchou recently put his experience in program management into practice after being thrown into the challenging environment of a war zone. He successfully led a team to dramatically improve the state of sexual violence and women’s mortality in childbirth in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
With over thirty years experience in program management, evaluation, policy promotion, strategic communications and training and research in the field of “population and socio-economic development”, the Cameroon-born Dackam Ngatchou joined his family in Canada after his retirement. He spoke to The Bridge Magazine on Wednesday 2nd May 2018.
As reminder, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) says it “is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled”.
Their work involves the improvement of reproductive health.
He appears to be serene, welcoming; his modulated voice evokes a sense of accomplishment. He has great social skills.
Feel free to follow the interview below to learn more about Dr Richard Dackam Ngatchou.
The Bridge Magazine:First of all Richard, many thanks for making yourself available to talk to The Bridge Magazine…
Follow the links below to read more:
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