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Demba’s Mermaid. The rich and handsome man, the wicked mermaid, and the enigmatic fisherman…

20 November 2014 11,636 views One Comment
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The names of persons have been changed in the story below.

A handsome, rich and noble man of great wealth and eminent for his virtues found himself caught in the middle of a ‘mermaid curse’ after his one night stand beauty encounter ‘mystically’ transformed herself on the bed at dawn into a fresh fish, then vanished, leaving him with a curse that has to be lifted in sixteen days or else he will die.


A highly rated night club. The Bridge MAG. Image

A highly rated night club. The Bridge MAG. Image

Demba was an outgoing middle-aged bachelor who lived a lavish lifestyle and was successful with women. He met Cecilia, a charming and distinguished lady in her late thirties, at a highly rated night club. They built up a flirtatious relationship in the ensuing couple of hours and, as the adage goes, ‘one thing led to another…’


The following morning, what was supposed to be the beginning of a romance suddenly turned into a nightmare. The seemingly estranged lady left Demba’s mansion with a disturbing message written in blood on the wall:


“You are cursed for sixteen days before you die. No more beauty, no more fame, no more health and wellbeing, no more success in anything. I am the only one who deserves attention, wealth and fame.  Whoever dares to challenge the goddess of the sea will die. ”

Goddess of the sea…





Follow the links below to read more:















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.


One Comment »

  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

    Many thanks for your comments
    Very best wishes

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