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From children in the UK relying on food banks as emergency meals to African migrant children in Libya snatched away from their parents for organ trafficking, The Bridge Magazine wishes peace and social justice for children worldwide this Christmas.

20 December 2017 3,128 views No Comment
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As food insecurity and homelessness hits tens of thousands of UK children this Christmas, food banks and temporary accommodation such as B&Bs can only provide a temporary and precarious respite. The Bridge MAG. Image

As food insecurity and homelessness hits tens of thousands of UK children this Christmas, food banks and temporary accommodation such as B&Bs can only provide a temporary and precarious respite.
The Bridge MAG. Image

As we head towards Christmas and the New Year, tens of millions of children worldwide are living in abject poverty.

While in the UK tens of thousands of children receive the most rudimentary nutrition from tinned food provided by food banks, thousands of miles away in Libya children are trapped in abject poverty and are easy prey to organ trafficking.

Recent data published on The Trussell Trust website in April this year was enough to raise the eyebrows:

‘Between 1st April 2016 and 31st March 2017, we provided 1,182,954 three day emergency food supplies to people in crisis compared to 1,109,309 in 2015-16.’

The Trussell Trust is a UK anti-poverty charity that provides most of the nation’s food banks.

In Libya, modern slavery is rife, $400 being the average cost of a black man to North African buyers as a potential farmhand.



But there is an even darker aspect to the problem of modern slavery in Libya: it is rumoured to be the perfect façade for infant organ trafficking. ‘Operation Sophia in Libya’: ongoing until December 2018 Is Operation Sophia the new Zoé’s Ark scandal? Is Operation Sophia history repeating itself ? The Bridge MAG. Image

But there is an even darker aspect to the problem of modern slavery in Libya: it is rumoured to be the perfect façade for infant organ trafficking.
‘Operation Sophia in Libya’: ongoing until December 2018
Is ‘Operation Sophia’ the new Zoé’s Ark scandal? Is ‘Operation Sophia’ history repeating itself ?
The Bridge MAG. Image

But there is an even darker aspect to the problem of modern slavery in Libya: it is rumoured to be the perfect façade for infant organ trafficking.



According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ‘over 6,800 kidneys are illegally obtained by black market traffickers all over the world… also, at least 200,000 people are on waiting lists for kidneys worldwide and a myriad have no access to transplantation or dialysis services’.



It has become a tradition for this magazine to devote its December world exclusive editorial to highlighting the plight of children in war zones. However, this Christmas, in addition to the aforementioned cause, The Bridge Magazine focuses in particular on the plights of children in the UK and in Libya. The Bridge MAG. Image

It has become a tradition for this magazine to devote its December world exclusive editorial to highlighting the plight of children in war zones. However, this Christmas, in addition to the aforementioned cause, The Bridge Magazine focuses in particular on the plights of children in the UK and in Libya.
The Bridge MAG. Image














Operation Sophia in Libya: ongoing until December 2018

Is Operation Sophia the new … scandal? Is Operation Sophia history repeating itself ?…




Follow the links below to read more:















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.



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