Caucasian Autumn: Autumn 2015, the debacle; The “Arab Spring” is coming back home. Is this the “Caucasian Autumn”?
20 September 2015
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Migrant crisis in Europe and worldwide is one of the most unpredictable twists of the “Arab Spring” and the permanent Afghan, DRC and other national conflicts. The Bridge MAG. Image
Flying from Tunisia to Afghanistan, via Sudan, and other countries torn apart by war, the western military plane has now landed back swamped with refugees.
The migrant crisis in Europe is making the UK and the world’s headlines: pictures of children’s corpses dumped ashore and families desperate to cross European borders have become the media-dominating images, but very little has been said about the source of the disaster.
The refugee Diaspora can be traced back since the First World War. In his article entitled ‘The ‘Arab Spring’ and the West: Seven Lessons from History’, Seumas Milne writes:
‘The Middle East has never been fully decolonised. Carved into artificial states after the First World War, it’s been bombed and occupied – by the US, Israel, Britain and France – and locked down with US bases and Western-backed tyrannies. The Arab world has been the target of continual interference and intervention ever since it became formally independent’.
Seumas Milne is a British journalist and writer known for his left-wing views: a columnist and associate editor at The Guardian newspaper.
The Arab uprisings that erupted in Tunisia a few years ago have focused on corruption, poverty and lack of freedom, rather than Western domination or Israeli occupation.
Why should Western foreign policy worldwide be viewed as failure?
Darker still are the shadowy workings of global capitalism; in particular, the armaments trade, which profits from war.
As John Pilger said prophetically only a few months ago in the New Statesman:

The only way to prevent thousands of refugees being forced from their home countries is for Western powers to stop meddling in those countries’ affairs.
The Bridge MAG. Image
‘The uprising in Egypt is our theatre of the possible. Fear of Lord-knows-what requires that the historical truth of US and British ‘diplomacy’ as largely responsible for the suffering in the Middle East be suppressed or reversed. …Forget the secret Anglo-American sponsorship of jihadists as a “bulwark” against democratic control of oil.’…
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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of
The Bridge Books and
The Bridge Magazine Editor.