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We write stories, told as true or plausible enough to be believed, related to horrific, embarrassing sometimes ironic events that probably happened to real people from around the world.

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[ 20 Jan 2014 | No Comment | 4,104 views]

Our human condition is a composite of many nuances: we are not purely a species of reason, but also of instinct, intuition, even sometimes superstition. We have a tendency to try and see beyond the surface of things.
In numerology (also known as ‘the Wisdom of Numbers’), 2014 is a year of the number “7”: this is calculated by adding all the numbers that make up …

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[ 30 Dec 2012 | No Comment | 8,088 views]

From a cold blooded murder in Bilongue, Douala, Cameroon, to the Connecticut   gun rampage in Newton, United States, geographical distance has not prevented a seeming synchronicity of horrors rocking the world towards the close of 2012, which to some minds does not bode well for 2013.
It is believed that the missing genital parts and breasts of Cameroonian 20 year old Fanny’s body would have been …